BPCE - 2018 Registration document
NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Responsible internal practices
New formats were added to the training offer in 2018, focusing on: fun ways of learning (Risk Pursuit, GDPR, etc.); ● modular content tailored to employee requirements (B’digit, ● DEAC, etc.); certification programs, which formally recognize skills acquisition ● and improve employability (Financial Advisors degree, Pro CRM Bachelor’s degree, etc.). Supporting managerial changes Rapidly increasing technological advances, new organizational structures, and the transformation of our companies mean it is necessary to rethink many of our activities, working methods, collaborative processes and managerial practices. Accordingly, management – the keystone of these transformations – has been given extra support by the Group’s companies. Mobilization of teams and change management Given the nature of the transformations affecting our banking model, it is essential to review the management model in detail. In 2018, many Group companies initiated or continued significant training efforts to establish a more collaborative approach to management, fostering service-driven employee engagement, and promoting the behavior expected of employees in their relations with customers. Managerial agility Many Group companies organize co-development workshops and reverse mentoring initiatives to help managers adapt in today’s constantly changing environment. Promoting different attitudes and behavior: the service-minded approach Customer service is central to our business. Customers are the focus of all our efforts, and meeting their needs is a long-term performance driver. Our priority is to satisfy our customers, and developing a service-minded approach is a means to that end. In the TEC 2020 strategic plan, the Group makes two promises to its customers: to keep things simple and maintain a close relationship, and to offer the benefit of the bank’s expertise. We help our employees develop a service-minded attitude and use appropriate gestures, words and actions. Enabling employees to drive change Another part of our strong employer promise is to enable employees to drive change. This requires support from managers, who must listen and provide direction. It also involves developing collaborative working methods, made possible with the launch of the groupwide social network, Yammer, and through other initiatives taken by Group companies in this area. Two major assessment and monitoring systems were set up to gauge the impact and perception of these initiatives: Measuring satisfaction at key stages of an employee’s career The TEC 2020 strategic plan places particular emphasis on the ● quality of the employee experience as well as the customer experience. Employee satisfaction is monitored at key stages in their careers (recruitment, mobility, promotion to management level, etc.).
At each key stage, employees receive a short questionnaire. Their ● feedback is anonymized and used to develop concrete operational action plans. The insight it provides into employees’ everyday lives at work helps with the continual improvement of HR processes. Employer survey To measure employee satisfaction, an internal opinion survey (“Diapason”) was sent to 76,000 staff members from 35 Group companies in 2018. The survey covered the following topics: the digital revolution, new business lines, management, working conditions, human resources management, etc. As in the 2016 survey, employees had the opportunity to freely, individually, and directly express their opinions and expectations in terms of their careers and their support for the Group’s strategy. HR Lab An HR Lab was set up following the decision set out in the TEC 2020 strategic plan. The goal is to use our collective intelligence to co-build HR solutions for the Group. The idea is to draw on Agile methods to build cross-disciplinary solutions and move away from the function-based approach towards an internal client-based approach. The HR Lab started with an HR Hackathon that brought together forty employees from different backgrounds assisted by coaches to upgrade the HR function’s operating methods and develop a service-minded approach. This pilot scheme led to the construction of a system to enhance service-minded attitudes in order to boost customer satisfaction and recommendations. Enhancing and simplifying the employee experience Under the TEC 2020 plan we will pursue our efforts to simplify and digitize our HR processes and develop collaborative working tools. Digitization of HR processes The Group’s HR IT team continued to develop and roll out digitized HR services throughout the year. Digital solutions were implemented to facilitate employees’ everyday lives, for example some companies introduced electronic pay slips, which were widely appreciated (over 80% of employees opted for this new format), a new responsive training platform with new experiences was made available to employees, managers and trainers, and a digital individual employee pay & benefits review was produced and rolled out. Job applicants also enjoyed an improved experience with a new environment available via the Group’s recruitment platform and job websites. Nearly 70% of employees and applicants had signed employment contracts or amendments electronically at the end of 2018. Promoting gender equality and diversity Groupe BPCE places great importance on gender equality, having reaffirmed its objectives and commitment to improve in this area in its new TEC 2020 strategic plan. In line with previous gender equality initiatives, the Group intends to develop gender equality among company directors and executives.
Registration document 2018
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