BPCE - 2018 Registration document

LEGAL INFORMATION Statutory Auditors’ special report on related-party agreements and commitments

Regardless, any compensation paid for termination of the employment contract is deducted from the retirement bonus. The Supervisory Board has found that implementing involuntary-termination severance pay and a retirement bonus is of genuine interest for BPCE since it is a means of involving the

members of the Management Board in the company’s performance by requiring them to meet certain performance conditions. These commitments had no impact on BPCE’s 2018 financial statements.

Paris La Défense and Neuilly-sur-Seine April 2, 2019 The Statutory Auditors

Deloitte & Associés Sylvie Bourguignon

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit Nicolas Montillot Emmanuel Benoist

Mazars Charles de Boisriou



Registration document 2018

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