BPCE - 2018 Registration document

NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT A range of services to meet the challenges facing our customers


approval process. It also helps farmers and wine producers adapt to climate risk by implementing a drought management plan. Financing the development of renewable energy sources: a central mission of the energy transition movement Groupe BPCE is a French leader in renewable energy financing. The Banque Populaire and Caisse d’Epargne networks rely on the expertise of several specialized subsidiaries such as Grand Ouest Environnement, Hypéria Finance and Natixis Energéco, which develop solutions tailored to the needs of this fast-changing market. Groupe BPCE’s renewable energy loan outstandings amounted to € 7.5 billion at June 30, 2018, and are focused on solar power (42%) and wind power (33%), predominantly in France (63%).


Crédit Foncier 7%

Banque Palatine 4%

Natixis 47%

CE network 24%

BP network 18%

In addition to mature renewable energy sources, the Group aims to meet customer needs on more recent projects like biogas. Active market monitoring allows the Group to anticipate innovative developments, for example the potential offered by hydrogen. Natixis supports the development of renewable energy around the world through its local offices, particularly in Europe, the Middle East, Australia, and North and South America. Financing activity was very robust in 2018, especially in the fast-growing offshore wind power sector and in the Middle East, where Natixis has secured a position as a top-tier creditor supporting renewable energy projects. Natixis is the world’s number five Mandated Lead Arranger in renewable energy financing and is the leading arranger in the Middle East and North Africa region (1) . It came number three in the MENA (Middle East and North Africa) region in rankings produced by the benchmark magazine IJ Global. In the Corporate & Investment Banking division, the Real Assets team financed 22 new deals in 2018 for a total of € 1.8 billion and a total installed capacity of 7,152 MW: 12 wind farms with a total capacity of 4,475 MW; ● 10 PV or thermal solar facilities with a total capacity of ● 2,677 MW. Renewable energy accounted for 71% of total financing granted by CIB in the electricity production sector in 2018.


Hydroelectric 9% Biogas 2% Biomass 3%

Other 11%

Wind 33%

Solar 42%

Financing for one of the most powerful turbines in operation In August 2018, Natixis played a key role in financing the Triton Knoll offshore wind farm in the east of the United Kingdom. This infrastructure was developed by Inogy and offers total installed capacity of 860 MW. Construction will take two years and the wind farm will produce electricity for 15 years. The 90 wind turbines are Vestas V164, with record nominal power output of 8 MW and a rotor diameter of 164 meters. The deal was three times oversubscribed due to the project’s large production capacity and an agreed price of £74.75/MWh over 15 years.

Energéco: a subsidiary dedicated to renewable energy since 2000 Energéco is a long-standing benchmark player in renewable energy financing in mainland France and the overseas territories. In 2018, Energéco financed new deals for a total arranged amount of € 352 million. The projects are located in France and will add total installed capacity of 232 MW to the following sectors:

biomass: 5 MW; ● hydroelectric: 12 MW. ●

As an example, Natixis Energéco and Mirova inaugurated the Coquelicot wind farm, which boasts 19 turbines each with a capacity of 2.3 MW. This wind farm will produce 80,000 MWh/year, equivalent to the electricity consumption (excluding heating) of 32,200 homes. Mirova is the majority shareholder in this wind farm. Natixis Energéco arranged the financing and syndication with the Caisse d’Epargne Hauts de France and Caisse d’Epargne Bretagne Pays de Loire.

wind power: 105 MW; ● solar power: 110 MW; ●

IJ Global Infrastructure Renewables 2018 ranking (1)


Registration document 2018

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