BPCE - 2018 Registration document

FINANCIAL REPORT Persons responsible for auditing the financial statements

Persons responsible for auditing 5.9 the financial statements


Statutory Audit system

Within the Group, the main rules that govern the Statutory Audit system and aim to guarantee Statutory Auditor independence in Groupe BPCE companies are defined in the “Framework for Statutory Auditor Assignments at Groupe BPCE,” (the “Framework”) validated by BPCE’s Supervisory Board on November 7, 2017. Applicable to all Group businesses the “Framework” primarily defines: the rules governing the selection of Statutory Auditors for the ● Group and its entities; the rules governing the services that may be provided by Statutory ● Auditors (or their networks); the role of Audit Committees with respect to monitoring the ● system. On the appointment of Group Statutory Auditors: in line with the new regulation, the Group recommends that each Group company continues to designate at least one network of Statutory Auditors to certify BPCE’s consolidated and individual financial statements to ensure there is a consistent, harmonized financial audit system available within the Group. However, the company’s Audit Committee retains the authority to select Statutory Auditors subject to the approval of the company’s Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting. On the prior approval of services other than financial statement certification: in line with the opinion provided by the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes (H3C) on July 26, 2017, BPCE’s Audit

Committee introduced a prior approval procedure, for a one year period, of an exhaustive list of categories of services other than financial statement certification. These provisions are stated in the appendices to the “Framework” have been the subject of an annual review validated by BPCE’s Audit Committee on November 6, 2018 and have been distributed to all Group entities. On the control of the system: the Audit Committee of each company takes a greater role in examining services rendered by the Statutory ● Auditors. Aside from the prior approval of services other than financial statement certification in compliance with provisions that have been defined in the “Framework”, the Committee examines the fees and type of services rendered that appear on the income statement of each company; ensure compliance with the principles laid out in the “Framework”, ● rules governing the rotation of Statutory Auditors and the rotation of signing partners and the implementation of a Statutory Auditor selection procedure at the end of each maximum term of office; relies, in this approach, on the function that controls the quality of ● accounting and financial information (review function). A Group standard on the control of the independence of Statutory Auditors specifies the role of this function in this area and the main procedures it must implement. The work carried out within this framework is presented to each company’s Audit Committee and, on a consolidated basis, to the Group Audit Committee.



Statutory Auditors of BPCE

BPCE’s Statutory Auditors are responsible for auditing the individual financial statements of BPCE and the consolidated financial

statements of Groupe BPCE and BPCE SA group. At December 31,

2018, the Statutory Auditors were:

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit 63, rue de Villiers 92208 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex

Deloitte & Associés


6, place de la Pyramide 92908 Paris-La Défense Cedex

61, rue Henri-Regnault 92075 Paris-La Défense Cedex

PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS AUDIT The Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of BPCE of May 22, 2015, voting under the conditions of quorum and majority applicable to Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meetings, resolved to renew the term of PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit for a period of six fiscal years, i.e. until the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held in 2021, convened to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2020. PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit is represented by Agnès Hussherr and Nicolas Montillot. Substitute: Jean-Baptiste Deschryver, residing at 63, rue de Villiers, 92208 Neuilly-sur-Seine Cedex, for a period of six fiscal years, i.e. until the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting to be held in 2021, convened to approve the financial statements for the year ending December 31, 2020.

PricewaterhouseCoopers Audit (672006483 RCS Nanterre), Deloitte et Associés (572028041 RCS Nanterre) and Mazars (784824153 RCS Nanterre) are registered as Statutory Auditors, members of the Compagnie Régionale des Commissaires aux Comptes de Versailles and under the authority of the Haut Conseil du Commissariat aux Comptes.


Registration document 2018

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