BPCE - 2018 Registration document

NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT A CSR strategy aimed at incorporating sustainable development in our business lines and decision-making processes

Strategic projects

2018 achievements


review of working conditions agreements at the Banque Populaire banks; - sports activity review at BPCE; - annual review of disability agreement follow-up; - working group set up to establish action to increase the number of women in management and senior management - positions; signing of a groupwide Strategic Workforce Planning agreement and launch of Mobiliway. - finalization of the Groupe BPCE code of conduct and Ethics, approved by the Supervisory Board. -

Adopting an innovative policy to encourage 10. well-being, health and exercise in the workplace and employee diversity and employability;

Ethics 11.

selection of providers and presentation to the entire Group CSR function. -

ISO 26000 certification process 12.

STRUCTURE AND GOVERNANCE REFLECTING THE GROUP’S COOPERATIVE BANKING MODEL AND RAISING THE BAR ON CSR A separate BPCE function is responsible for overseeing the Group’s CSR commitments, in conjunction with the Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires and the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne, which coordinate CSR policy within their respective networks.

The Group’s Sustainable Development division reports to the Corporate Secretary’s Office of BPCE’s Retail Banking and Insurance division. Its goals are to: drive and oversee the Group’s CSR policy and support all ● institutions in implementing this policy; serve as a source of foresight, expertise, and innovation in order to ● advance sustainable growth; coordinate the implementation of special regulations and propose ● adaptations in governance.

To this end, it is divided into four functions:

Sustainable development watch, coordination and communication

Green, responsible growth

Responsible business

Forward-looking CSR Development of the -

Definition of the green growth - strategy (processes, benchmark, action plan); Development of expertise - designed to serve the networks, development of solidarity-based savings and finance; Contribution to inclusive finance - mechanisms.

Coordination of CSR reporting - and the Group/institution carbon review; Oversight and monitoring of the - Group CSR approach; Dialog with ESG rating agencies - and investors.

Organization and oversight of the - projects undertaken by the division and function meetings; Regulatory, economic and - technical watch; Communication and organization - of Sustainable Development function events.

forward-looking expertise and research approach to issues relating to the green economy and CSR, particularly in the economic and technological fields.

To take action, the Sustainable Development division relies on a CSR function whose responsibilities are divided between the Group’s central institution, regional banks and subsidiaries (particularly Natixis). Each company in the Group has an appointed CSR officer tasked with adapting the Group’s commitments to the specific features of the company’s region, operations and objectives. The CSR function has the following structures: bodies that exchange information and coordinate and share skills: ● a twice-yearly national responsible business conference attended - by all of the Group’s sustainable development officers. The

conference focuses on improving CSR reporting and making plans to improve internal CSR and low-carbon practices; a national conference on the roll-out of ESG performance reporting in the Group was also held in 2018 to help the institutions complete this process, a green, responsible growth conference aimed at centralizing - technical and sales expertise around the new economic models arising with sustainable development. An annual plenary meeting (125 participants on average) has been held since 2014; steering and oversight bodies: ●



Groupe BPCE Supervisory Board Cooperative and CSR Committee CSR function (network of CSR managers and their business line counterparts) Cooperative Shareholder & CSR Committee of the Fédération Nationale des Banques Populaires and CSR Committee of the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne

Validates CSR projects, rules on major strategic CSR guidelines. The committee met twice in 2018. Rolls out initiatives based on their specific priorities and involves all Group employees in the field.

Approve national CSR guidelines and assist with their local implementation Monitor and coordinate local implementation of the CSR policy

Local CSR Committees of Group institutions


Registration document 2018

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