BPCE - 2018 Registration document

FINANCIAL REPORT IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements of BPCE SA group as at December 31, 2018

Debt instrument: loans and receivables, bonds

Equity instrument

Type of financial asset

Contractual cash flow characteristics

Solely Payments of Principal and Interest (SPPI) Basic debt instruments

Non-SPPI Non-basic debt instruments

Hold to collect and sell

FVOCI irrevocable option without subsequent reclassification

Business model (or choice) applied

Hold to collect

Trading book




Accounting classification:



the disposals occur just before maturity and at a price that - reflects the contractual cash flows that are still owed, other disposals may also be compatible with the “hold to collect” - model’s objectives if they are infrequent (even if their value is significant) or if their value is insignificant when considered both individually and overall (even if they are frequent). for Groupe BPCE, the “hold to collect” model applies to financing ● activities (excluding the loan syndication activity) carried out by Retail Banking, Corporate & Investment Banking and Specialized Financial Services; a mixed business model under which assets are managed with the ● objective of both receiving contractual cash flows and disposing of financial assets (“hold to collect and sell model”); Groupe BPCE applies the hold to collect and sell model primarily to ● the portion of portfolio management activities for securities in the liquidity reserve that is not managed solely under a hold to collect model; a model intended for other financial assets, especially those held ● for trading, for which the collection of contractual cash flows is incidental. This business model applies to the loan syndication activity (for the portion of outstandings to be sold that was identified at the outset) and to the capital market activities carried out primarily by Corporate & Investment Banking. Types of contractual cash flows: the SPPI (Solely Payments of Principal and Interest) test A financial asset is classified as generating solely payments of principal and interest if, on specific dates, it gives rise to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the outstanding amount due. The SPPI test should be performed for each financial asset on initial recognition.

Business model The entity’s business model represents the way in which it manages its financial assets to produce cash flow. Judgment must be exercised to ascertain the business model. The choice of business model must take into account all information regarding the manner in which cash flows were generated in the past, along with all other relevant information. For example: the way in which the performance of financial assets is assessed ● and presented to the main company directors; risks which have an impact on the business model’s performance, in ● particular the way in which these risks are managed; the way in which directors are paid (for example, if pay is based on ● the fair value of assets under management or on the contractual cash flows received); the frequency of, volume of and reason for sales. ● Moreover, the choice of business model must be made at a level which reflects the way in which groups of financial assets are managed collectively with a view to achieving a given economic objective. The business model is therefore not decided on an instrument by instrument basis, but rather at a higher level of aggregation, by portfolio. The standard provides for three business models: a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets in order ● to receive contractual cash flows (“hold to collect model”). This model, under which the concept of “holding” is relatively similar to holding to maturity, remains valid if disposals occur under the following conditions: the disposals are due to an increase in credit risk, -


Registration document 2018

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