BPCE - 2018 Registration document

3 REPORT ON CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Management and Supervisory Bodies

COMPOSITION OF BOARD COMMITTEES (AT DECEMBER 31, 2018) Audit Committee Since August 2, 2018, the Audit Committee has been chaired by Kadidja Sinz, independent member, Europe Director of Liberty Speciality Market. The committee’s other members were chosen for their expertise in accounting, finance and internal control: Thierry Cahn, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque ● Populaire Alsace Lorraine Champagne; Yves Gevin, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Rives de ● Paris; Didier Patault, Chairman of the Management Board of Caisse ● d'Epargne Ile-de-France; Anne-Claude Pont, independent member, Chairman and ● co-founder of Wilov; Pierre Valentin, Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board of ● Caisse d’Epargne Languedoc-Roussillon. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board are permanent guests of the Audit Committee. The heads of Group Inspection Générale, Risk Management, Compliance and Permanent Control are invited to the meetings of the Audit Committee as non-voting participants. The biographies of Audit Committee members are available in section 3.3.5. Risk Committee Since March 29, 2018, the Risk Committee has been chaired by Anne-Claude Pont, independent member, Chairman, and co-founder of Wilov. The other members of the committee were chosen for their knowledge, skills and expertise in corporate strategy and risk management: Alain Condaminas, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire ● Occitane; Alain Denizot, Chairman of the Management Board of ● Caisse d’Epargne Rhône Alpes; Françoise Lemalle, Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory Board ● of Caisse d’Epargne Côte d’Azur; Kadidja Sinz, independent member, Head of Europe - Liberty ● Specialty Markets. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board are permanent guests of the Risk Committee. The heads of Group Inspection Générale, Risk Management, Compliance and Permanent Control are invited to the meetings of the Risk Committee as non-voting participants. The biographies of Risk Committee members are available in section 3.3.5. Appointments Committee The Appointments Committee has been chaired by Maryse Aulagnon, independent Board Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Affine, since May 22, 2015.

The other members of the Appointments Committee were selected on the basis of their expertise and professional experience: Catherine Amin-Garde, Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory ● Board of Caisse d’Epargne Loire Drôme Ardèche; Gérard Bellemon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque ● Populaire Val de France; Bernard Dupouy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque ● Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique; Yves Gevin, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Rives de ● Paris; Dominique Goursolle-Nouhaud, Chairman of the Steering and ● Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes; Didier Patault, Chairman of the Management Board of Caisse ● d’Epargne Ile-de-France. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board are permanent guests of the Appointments Committee. When invited by the Chairman of the Appointments Committee, the Head of the Group Human Resources function attends meetings of the Appointments Committee as a non-voting participant. The biographies of Appointments Committee members are available in section 3.3.5. Remuneration Committee The Remuneration Committee has been chaired by Maryse Aulagnon, independent Board Member and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Affine, since May 22, 2015. The other members of the Remuneration Committee were selected on the basis of their expertise and professional experience: Catherine Amin-Garde, Chairman of the Steering and Supervisory ● Board of Caisse d’Epargne Loire Drôme Ardèche; Gérard Bellemon, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque ● Populaire Val de France; Bernard Dupouy, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Banque ● Populaire Aquitaine Centre Atlantique; Yves Gevin, Chief Executive Officer of Banque Populaire Rives de ● Paris; Vincent Gontier, employee representative; ● Dominique Goursolle-Nouhaud, Chairman of the Steering and ● Supervisory Board of Caisse d’Epargne Aquitaine Poitou-Charentes; Didier Patault, Chairman of the Management Board of Caisse ● d’Epargne Ile-de-France. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board are permanent guests of the Remuneration Committee. When invited by the Chairman of the Appointments Committee, the Head of the Group Human Resources function attends meetings of the Appointments Committee as a non-voting participant. The biographies of Remuneration Committee members are available in section 3.3.5. Cooperative and CSR Committee Since June 19, 2018, the Cooperative and CSR Committee has been chaired by Jean Arondel, Non-Voting Director as of right, Chairman of the Fédération Nationale des Caisses d’Epargne.


Registration document 2018

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