BPCE - 2018 Registration document

NON-FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Responsible internal practices

These initiatives and their impacts are monitored by a special team using the following indicators: improved visibility of job offers, better-qualified applicants, lower recruitment budget, etc. A new applicant experience Just as we are improving the customer experience, we are also enhancing the applicant experience by simplifying and streamlining the information and application process. Technologies arising from the digital transformation have reduced the time taken to submit an application on our website from twenty minutes to three minutes, by exporting profiles from LinkedIn and using resume parsing. Applications can be submitted directly from the applicant’s smartphone, tablet or computer. Applicants who wish to provide more information can complete optional fields in addition to the mandatory fields that can be completed in three minutes, so they do still have some flexibility in the application process. To simplify the process, applicants who so choose may submit a video cover letter. The recruitment website was redesigned with the applicant in mind: lengthy texts replaced by videos, which are clearer and have a greater impact by showing “real employees” instead of a corporate pitch drafted by HR. There are sections where applicants can submit their resume, prepare for an interview, define their career path, etc. The number of visits and pages viewed on https://recrutement.bpce.fr/is monitored for information purposes. Groupe BPCE is keeping track of technological developments in hiring, which will: provide applicants with information in real time (chatbot); ● ensure diversity among applicants via resume matching (automatic ● matching of the skills required for the position and the skills included in the resume); involve employees in promoting our business lines, companies and ● values (via social media, referrals, videos). Facilitating internal transfers Groupe BPCE launched an internal mobility portal in 2017: Mobiliway. This fun and informative Intranet site displays job vacancies available at Group companies. Members of staff can learn about the reality of different businesses through testimonials and can prepare their applications from start to finish. Mobiliway is being gradually rolled out at all Group companies and will be expanded and improved in response to user feedback. At the same time, the Group’s companies have built on the momentum achieved in inter-company mobility with the signing of the new Strategic Workforce Planning, which incorporates a new set of common rules. These rules facilitate inter-company transfers under the best possible conditions through a simplified hiring process, support measures, mobility programs and coordination meetings between HR directors in the local regions.

The Group HR division is launching concrete initiatives to improve coordination of inter-company mobility by working with the Group’s companies, with the aim of providing efficient and operational solutions to meet the needs expressed by Groupe BPCE HR teams. These include new forums for dialog and additional, more frequent regular meetings to foster mobility and define best practices. In 2017, over 700 inter-company transfers were completed, climbing to 801 in 2018. In light of the mergers carried out across the Group, transfers between functions were once again high in 2018, totaling 14,600. Over and above the HR priorities set in the TEC 2020 plan, all of Groupe BPCE’s HR teams implement HR solutions for employees and managers to serve their needs on a daily basis and meet their current and future challenges. LABOR RELATIONS The Group’s labor relations were heavily impacted by the signing of the Strategic Workforce Planning (SWP) agreement by all Group companies at the end of 2017. On December 22, 2017, the Group signed a new agreement with the CFDT, CFE-CGC and UNSA labor unions (representing 100% of employee representatives), reflecting the commitment on the part of Management and labor representatives alike to recognize skills development as a key component of employability, in line with the Group’s new strategic plan. The three-year agreement covers 128 companies and their employees, providing a structured framework in today’s fast-changing environment undergoing considerable technological innovation. It has four key pillars: development of employee skills to accommodate the Group’s ● transformation; individual career management support; ● commitments to maintain a fair balance between older and ● younger generations; enhanced social dialog and career support for employee ● representatives. The main commitments set out in the agreement are as follows: the Group will increase training hours by 25% to 10 million training hours over the period covered by the agreement. Employees under 30 must account for 50% of new permanent-contract hires, and 5% of them must have previously held work-study contracts. Employees on work-study contracts must make up 3.5% of the headcount by the end of 2020. 3% of new hires from 2018 to 2020 must be over 45. As part of the commitment to retain older staff, 18% of the Group’s headcount must be 55 or older by 2020. HR solutions for our companies and our employees



Registration document 2018

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