BIC - 2020 Universal Registration Document


Description and mitigation of main risk factors

Risks related to Product Safety The risk related to product safety and consumer health and safety is placing non-compliant or unsafe products on the market.

Level of risk: medium Potential impact on BIC:

Examples of Risk Mitigation:

Impact on Consumers Health and Safety. Impact on the Brand image (Consumers), and business interests.

BIC wants to offer safe and compliant products that answer consumers’ needs. The Group strives to strictly comply with increasingly stringent regulations regarding the use of chemicals and products. The Product Safety Policy, implemented in 2001, includes ten commitments to ensure that products designed and manufactured by the Group are safe for health and the environment. With the primary objective of bringing to the market safe and compliant products, BIC integrates regulatory compliance and product safety risk management into its strategy through a rigorous set of processes. In this way, BIC supplies millions of constant quality products every day, verified by multiple tests and risk assessments. It also means integrating the consumers’ health and safety concerns into product design and manufacturing. For example, in 2017 and 2018, the regulatory watch was extended to non-regulatory voluntary lists to ensure maximum anticipation. In 2019, the BICWatch List became more operational for teams and more precise with respect to customers’ concerns related to our products. More information is available in § 3.2.2 Product Safety.



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