BIC - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Responsibility concerning our products [NFPS]

Perspectives ❯ The positive reaction of BtoB customers to the concept of sorting Australia and New Zealand in 2019. The priority today is to and to the “Ubicuity™, the ‘write’ kind of bench™” product range has overcome the economic obstacles to the collection of now been confirmed. BIC hopes that this product line and the post-consumer waste and the technological obstacles encountered circular economy channel that spawned it will grow rapidly in the in its recycling. years to come, as exemplified by the program’s extension to



Challenges, risks and opportunities related to product safety and consumer health and safety  [NFPS]

The Product Safety Policy, introduced in 2001, specifies the 10 commitments adopted to ensure that the products developed and manufactured by BIC are safe for human health and the environment. They include: a systematic program of pre-market product qualification ● testing; a global approach, resulting in products that often exceed the ● safety requirements of local markets; expecting BIC suppliers to comply with safety standards; ● incorporating safety considerations from the earliest stages of ● product design, including toxicological evaluations and tests to assess potential physical and chemical hazards; the anticipation of product safety requirements through active ● regulatory monitoring at national and international levels, in close cooperation with industry associations that share their members’ expertise with the appropriate authorities; the integration of innovations in product safety processes; ● building awareness among all stakeholders about safety and ● the appropriate use of BIC ® products; carefully reviewing all incidents involving the safety of BIC ® ● products; appropriate measures for product recall in the case of an ● incident; the implementation of this Policy by a Product Safety ● Department. [NFPS – the well-being of animals] In its position on animal testing, BIC specifies that it strives systematically not to resort to animal testing as a first solution. However, such tests can be necessary if: the alternatives cannot provide sufficient guarantees that a ● new product is harmless for the consumer; the alternatives to animal testing are not recognized by ● regulations. More specifically, BIC is also developing seven commitments to ensure the quality and safety of lighters (see the box on the following page).

BIC seeks to offer safe products that meet consumer expectations and comply with all pertinent safety requirements and standards. This entails the integration of consumer health and safety concerns in the design and production of its products. Consumers want to be assured that the products they buy are free of certain substances and safe for their health and the environment. The Group also strives to strictly comply with all regulations and the increasingly stringent, constantly evolving restrictions concerning product usage and chemical substances. [NFPS risk 3] Product safety and consumer health-safety risks are one of the major CSR risks identified by BIC, i.e. the risk of placing non-compliant or unsafe products on the market. The various actions taken to ensure the products’ safety and the protection of consumers’ health and safety constitute an opportunity for the Group to establish itself as a reference brand in terms of the quality and safety of its products, meeting or surpassing the regulatory requirements on each market. safety  [NFPS] The topics of product safety and the protection of consumer health are of strategic importance for the Group. With the primary goal of offering products that comply with all pertinent safety requirements and standards, BIC integrates regulatory compliance and risk management concerning product safety into its strategy through a body of documents defining its commitment, and through strict processes conceived to ensure that it markets only safe products compliant with safety requirements and standards. As a result, each day, BIC supplies millions of products while maintaining consistent quality, checked through a vast array of tests and in compliance with national and international safety requirements. BIC Group policies for product



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