BIC - 2019 Universal Registration Document


The BIC Sustainable Development Program and non-financial performance [NFPS]

Non-financial risks

Description of the risks


Policies and actions taken


BIC’s policies BIC Group Code of Ethics. BIC Group anti-corruption policy. BIC’s approaches Anti-corruption training. Deployment of the Group’s Code of Ethics. BIC’s policies Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) Policy. BIC’s approaches Environmental management systems at the sites. ISO 14001, ISO 50001, European Water Stewardship Gold, BREEAM and LEED certifications for the factories. Water consumption reduction approach. Waste reduction approach. See also Risk 2.

R6 Risks related to unfair practices (corruption).

The risk of corruption and unfair practices can lead to legal action against the Group and major consequences in terms of reputation and attractiveness.

To further develop BIC’s culture of ethics within the Group.

32% of BIC sales •

generated in countries considered to have a high or very high risk of corruption (Brazil, Mexico, India, Italy, Argentina)

R7 Risks related to our operations and the environment.

The nature of BIC’s manufacturing operations, primarily the molding and

To optimize production costs by limiting the consumption of resources (water, energy, etc.) and the production of factory waste. To facilitate the factories’ integration in their local surroundings by reducing their environmental footprint, adopting exemplary practices and initiating outreach actions to benefit the local populations.

4.87 Ratio of annual water • consumption normalized to production – BIC Group – in m 3 /ton Ratio of annual industrial • waste production normalized to production – tons per ton – BIC Group: Hazardous waste: 0.039; Non-hazardous waste: 0.181 Breakdown of hazardous • industrial waste by treatment method – % of total expressed in tons – BIC Group: Recycled: 21%; Incinerated with energy recovery: 32%; Incinerated without energy recovery: 21%; Sent to land disposal: 5%; Sent to other form of treatment disposal: 21% non-hazardous industrial waste by treatment method – % of total expressed in tons – BIC Group: Recycled: 74%/Incinerated with energy recovery: 13%/Incinerated without energy recovery: 2%/Sent to land disposal: 10%/Sent to other form of treatment disposal: 1% Breakdown of •

assembly of plastic products and printing of products, has a local environmental impact that remains relatively low compared with other manufacturing sectors.



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