BIC - 2019 Universal Registration Document


The BIC Sustainable Development Program and non-financial performance [NFPS]


Non-financial risks

Description of the risks


Policies and actions taken


BIC’s policies Writing the Future, Together: #1 Fostering sustainable innovation in BIC ® products. Writing the Future, Together: #2 Acting against climate change. BIC’s approaches Eco-design approach. Developing an innovative circular economy model. Partnerships for innovation approach. BIC’s policies Writing the Future, Together: #1 Fostering sustainable innovation in BIC ® products. Writing the Future, Together: #2 Acting against climate change. Environment, Health & Safety Policy. BIC’s approaches Purchasing electricity from renewable sources. Eco-design approach. Action plan with measures to mitigate climate-related risks at the sites. Environmental management systems at the sites. Energy efficiency approach.

7.78% of BIC ® stationery • products are made from alternative materials 6% of the plastics used in • the manufacturing of BIC ® Stationery products are recycled plastics 19 BIC ® products have • earned the NF Environnement label At least, 50% of BIC ® • products offer environmental benefits At the end of 2019, more • than 46 million pens collected through TerraCycle 194 alternative materials • tested 76% Share of renewable • energy – as % of total consumption – BIC Group 97,710 (location-based) • 45,827 (market-based) Annual direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1 and 2, location-based and market-based) – in teqCO 2 – BIC Group 1.07 Ratio of annual direct • and indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scopes 1 and 2) normalized to production – in teqCO 2 /ton – BIC Group Breakdown of tonnages • shipped by mode of transport – as % of total: Road: 43.08%; Air: 0.66%; Sea: 56.26% transport – as % of total: Road: 23.61%; Air: 51.18%; Sea: 25.21% 0.75% Share of air freight • (in tons/kilometers) – as % of total Breakdown of GHG • emissions by mode of 12.59 Ratio of annual • energy consumption normalized to production – BIC Group – in gigajoules/ton

R1 Risks related to plastics: plastic waste and resource depletion.

On the one hand, plastics risk is incurred upstream, with the use of this material in BIC ® products, contributing to the depletion of a non-renewable resource, and therefore subject to rarefaction and price volatility, and on the other hand, it occurs downstream with the growing problems of pollution related to plastic waste. In addition to these issues, there is also the growing regulatory environment regarding the use of plastics and the perception of consumers and citizens. Major risks related to Climate Change are: increasing global regulation of • carbon and energy directly or indirectly impacting BIC's operations or those of its suppliers and contract manufacturers; disruption or interruption of • production activities due to extreme weather conditions or availability of natural resources (water, energy, etc.) directly impacting BIC's factories or those of its suppliers and sub-contractors; development of new • regulations and standards regarding product environmental impact assessment and communication (including carbon impact) as well as consumer behavior changes impacting the Group’s sales.

To establish circular economy loops involving the collection of used products for recycling and reuse. Based on the feedback from this experience, to establish well-adapted, appropriate systems for each product and country, while improving the products and their use. To stand out on its markets through BIC ® products that offer environmental and social benefits. To develop production centers closer to the Group's markets, supporting local economic development and know-how in the countries where the Group has operations, while at the same time limiting the products’ environmental footprint and the physical risks linked to climate change. To stand out on its markets by offering BIC ® products with a reduced carbon footprint. To innovate in order to make the Group’s materials and products more responsible. To optimize production costs by limiting the use of energy resources.

R2 Risks related to climate change.



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