BIC - 2019 Universal Registration Document


Administrative and management bodies


| Director and Chief Executive Officer

Basis of the appointment

Article L. 225-18 of the French Commercial Code

Independent Director No

Date of 1 st  appointment Director: Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of May 16, 2018 Chief Executive Officer: Board of Directors of May 16, 2018 Expiration date Director: Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in 2022 for fiscal year 2021 Chief Executive Officer: indefinite duration

41 years old

Nationalities: French/American

Member of a committee No

Number of BIC shares held: Holds directly more than 100,000 BIC shares and indirectly shares through the family holding, SOCIÉTÉ M.B.D. On December 31, 2019, SOCIÉTÉ M.B.D. held 12,840,000 shares, i.e. 28.20% of SOCIÉTÉ BIC share capital and 38.11% of the voting rights.

Professional address SOCIÉTÉ BIC - 14, rue Jeanne d’Asnières - 92110 Clichy – France

Main position Chief Executive Officer of SOCIÉTÉ BIC • Other current mandates or functions Director – BIC Cello (India) Private Ltd.  (a)  – India • Director – BIC UK Ltd. (a)  – United Kingdom • President, Chief Operating Officer and Director – BIC International Co.  (a)  – U.S.A. • Director – Enactus Association – U.S.A. • Director – Stewardship Foundation – Switzerland • Expired mandates or functions in the previous five years (non-BIC Group companies) None Biography Gonzalve Bich is Director and Chief Executive Officer of SOCIÉTÉ BIC since May 2018. He served as Executive Vice-President from June 2016 to May 2018. He was Chief Operating Officer (COO), responsible for the Group Consumer Products business, Human Resources and Information Technology from January 2017 to May 2018. Gonzalve Bich joined BIC Asia in 2003, where he developed the regional business for four years. He moved on to serve as Group People Development Director before joining the Shaver category as Group Shaver Marketing Director. From 2008 to 2012, he led the Northern European business. In 2012, he was named Deputy General Manager, responsible for Middle East, Africa, Oceania and Asia Pacific. He was promoted to General Manager, Developing Markets (including Latin America) in July 2013 and took the responsibility for BIC Consumer business categories operations in Spring 2016, while leading the completion of the acquisition of Cello Pens (India’s #1 stationery brand). Gonzalve Bich holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in History fromHarvard University.

(a) BIC Group.



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