BIC - 2018 Registration document


Environmental responsibility concerning our operations [NFPS]

The environmental management systems deployed at BIC Group’s industrial sites call for contingency plans to deal with pollution accidents with off-site consequences . Emergency prevention and response plans have been established in locations where there is an identified risk of an accident with consequences beyond plant boundaries. For example, in France, the two SEVESO plants have emergency procedure protocols ( Plan d’Opération Interne and Plan Particulier d’Intervention ), and a major hazard prevention policy ( Politique de Prévention des Accidents Majeurs ). They have also implemented a Safety Management System. Outside France, some Group plants have equivalent emergency plans that address risks with potential off-site consequences. For example, plants in the U.S. maintain an Emergency Response Plan that includes prevention and management of the off-site consequences of any accidents. In 2018, the implementation rate for BIC management systems at BIC industrial sites is 78% complete for the environment and 88% complete for health and safety. These rates for management system implementation vary every year as plants join or leave the scope and others make progress, but rates remain consistently high. Certifications In 2018, BIC Violex (Greece) has renewed ISO 50001 certification, the international standard for energy management. This certification requires the definition of goals to improve energy consumption and the adoption of a system to track the results achieved to ensure ongoing improvement in energy management. In 2018, the BIC Violex factory (Greece) has also renewed the European Water Stewardship (EWS) Gold certification in recognition of its adoption of a water management system that optimizes consumption, reduces pollution, encourages the sharing of best practices. EWS certification also requires close cooperation with the other users of the catchment basin for the joint management of this resource. In 2018, BIC Violex was granted BREEAM (Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method) certification for one of its buildings. The BIC (Nantong) Plastic Products (China) and BIC Bizerte (Tunisia) factories were granted LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification in 2013 and 2016 respectively. In 2018, BIC Shavers Mexico (Mexico) obtained the ISO 14001 certification and nine other sites renewed the certification. ex (Greece) renewed their. BIC thus has 12 industrial sites that have met the criteria of this environmental standard. BIC’s continued and steady progress in systems registrations underscores the Group’s commitment to the highest standards of environmental protection and health and safety. For the sake of exemplarity, the BIC Sustainable Development approach covers all of its operations, including office activities, even though they represent a non-significant part of the Group’s environmental impact. The environmental performances of the Group’s three main offices (Clichy in France, Shelton in the U.S. and Cajamar in Brazil), which have been monitored for four years now, In the offices

are consolidated with the presentation of the performances of the Group’s industrial sites. Initiatives have been undertaken at these sites to reduce their environmental footprint. The Shelton (U.S.) offices were granted LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification in 2009 and are powered by electricity from renewable sources. The Clichy site (France) also purchases electricity from renewable sources. In 2018, the site’s office waste collection system was completely overhauled to ensure more effective sorting. The Clichy site (France) is in the process of finalizing a mobility plan in order to offer employees alternative solutions to the individual car for their commute to work. In addition, the renewal of the fleet of company and sales vehicles offered an opportunity to choose vehicles with lower emissions, making it possible to reduce the fleet’s average emission rate from 150 to 113 gCO 2 per km. In the supply chain Beyond the accounting of its own environmental impacts, BIC Group also considers the impacts of its supply chain. Since 2014, the Workplace Conditions Assessment (WCA) platform for auditing subcontractors’ working conditions (see page 110) has included a comprehensive questionnaire on environmental performance, accounting for 6% of the total number of questions posed. Of the 25 suppliers who were active and audited in 2018, 12 suppliers had deficiencies relating to the environment. A total of 18 deficiencies were identified, 44% of which were minor and 56% moderate. Reducing water consumption and assessing the scarcity of the resource Reducing water consumption ❯ Progress made in 2018 and performance Water consumption per ton of production decreased by 2.6% between 2017 and 2018. Total water consumption decreased by 5% over the same period while production decreased by 2.5%. This is mainly due to the implementation of water efficiency programs that contemplate the optimization of the industrial processes and machinery. By normalizing water consumption to production, the measure of water efficiency is less dependent on fluctuations in production volumes. However, it is important to note that: for BIC Group’s purposes, “water consumption” is understood ● to mean total water withdrawal. A portion of the industrial site withdrawal is not consumed or evaporated during their operations, but it is treated and discharged. The fact that the Group measures water withdrawal ensures that all uses and dispositions of water are included; a portion of water consumption, for building maintenance or ● watering for example, cannot be entirely correlated to production, mainly because it depends on external events (climatic conditions for instance); the ratio per ton of production is a more relevant measure for ● BIC Group activities with high levels of production (which is not the case for product storage and packaging, advertising and promotional product printing, or office activities);



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