BIC - 2018 Registration document


How to read the BIC Group's Non-Financial Performance Statement The BIC Group has decided to present the various elements of information required by French executive order n°2017-1265 of August 9, 2017 (for the application of ordinance n°2017-1180 of July 19, 2017 regarding the publication of non-financial information by certain large companies and corporate groups) in different chapters of its management report in order to place each element where it can most effectively aid the reader’s comprehension. Consequently, the BIC Group’s business model is presented in the integrated report, page 7. Chapter 2, Risks, contains the presentation of major CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) risks and the methodology implemented by the BIC Group to identify and rank them. Lastly, Chapter 3, Our environmental, social and societal responsibility, presents: in the “Challenges, risks and opportunities” sections: the key issues as identified using the materiality matrix (1) , with a link to the ● major CSR risk(s) identified and described in Chapter 2; in the “Policy, approach and measures implemented” sections: a description of the policies instituted by the BIC Group, including, ● where necessary, the due diligence procedures implemented to identify, prevent and reduce the occurrence of those risks; in the “Progress made in 2018” and “Performance” sections: the results achieved by these policies, including key performance ● indicators. The BIC Group identifies information expressly required in the Non-Financial Performance Statement with the initials [NFPS] . Firmly convinced of the value of the BIC Sustainable Development Program, which has been in effect for 15 years, the Group has also decided to continue presenting all of the action plans implemented as part of this program, including those that do not directly help prevent or reduce a major risk. A cross reference table is also available in Appendix page 316.

Published in 2017 Registration document. (1)



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