BIC - 2018 Registration document


Administrative and management bodies


| Executive Vice-President until March 31, 2019

Date of 1 st appointment

Board of Directors of March 22, 1995 Expiration date March 31, 2019 Professional address SOCIÉTÉ BIC - 14 rue Jeanne d’Asnières - 92110 Clichy – France Main position Executive Vice-President of SOCIÉTÉ BIC – Board of Directors’ Secretary • President of the BIC Corporate Foundation for Education • Other current mandates or functions

60 years old

Nationality: French

Director – BIC Australia Pty. Ltd. (a) – Australia • Managing Director – BIC GmbH (a)  – Germany •

Number of BIC shares held: Holds BIC shares directly and indirectly through the family holding, SOCIÉTÉ M.B.D. On December 31, 2018, SOCIÉTÉ M.B.D. held 12,735,000 shares, i.e. 27.68% of SOCIÉTÉ BIC share capital and 37.75% of the voting rights

Director – BIC Violex SA (a)  – Greece • Director – BIC India Pvt. Ltd. (a) – India • Chairman of the Board – BIC (NZ) Ltd. (a)  – New Zealand • Director – BIC Portugal SA (a)  – Portugal • Director – BIC Holdings Southern Africa (Pty.) Ltd. (a) – South Africa • Director – BIC Iberia SA (a)  – Spain • Director – BIC Malawi (Pty) Ltd. (a)  – Malawi • Representative of SOCIÉTÉ BIC in the Board – ANSA (Association Nationale des Sociétés par • Actions) – France Representative of SOCIÉTÉ BIC in the Board – METI (Mouvement des Entreprises de Taille • Intermédiaire) – France Expired mandates or functions in the previous five years (non-BIC Group companies) None Biography Since March 25, 1995, Marie-Aimée Bich-Dufour has been Executive Vice-President of SOCIÉTÉ BIC and Board of Directors’ Secretary. Moreover, she is President of the BIC Corporate Foundation for Education. She was Group General Counsel until February 1, 2016. In 2004, she also took on the responsibility of the Sustainable Development Program until 2018. Before joining BIC Group, Marie-Aimée served 12 years as a Lawyer at the Paris’ bar. She holds a Master’s degree in Private Law from Paris Panthéon-Assas University and a Professional Lawyer’s Certificate (CAPA).

(a) BIC Group.



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