Assystem - Registration Document 2016



that help to reduce the engines’ energy use and, consequently, their environmental footprint. Recently, a project has been undertaken for a German manufacturer to raise productivity and improve the efficiency of its plants. Drawing on more than 20 years’ experience in the industry and a sound knowledge of the technologies used by the Factory of the Future, Assystem set up a predictive maintenance system that reduces energy and machine maintenance needs at these plants.

Grand Paris Express project is to contribute to the French capital’s economic growth while limiting high carbon travel in the area.

● Global Product Solutions division

As explained in Section 4.1 of this Registration Document, in recent years, Assystem has been working closely with a major aircraft manufacturer to reduce commercial aircraft engine operating costs. Leveraging its expertise in propulsion systems, the Group is able to propose technical adjustments and new maintenance procedures




application of the Group’s ethical values by defining and describing the principles and behaviours to be followed when conducting business. The Code of Business Conduct adds to but does not replace pre-existing local policies, such as the Business Ethics procedure in the United Kingdom. Its purpose is to ensure that the Group’s Code of Ethics is applied consistently in all countries, taking into account the differences in local business practices. The Code of Business Conduct describes four specific policies: ● policy concerning gifts and invitations. Gifts given or accepted by executives and employees must be: ● in compliance with the applicable laws and regulations and consistent with local practices, ● transparently recorded in Assystem’s accounts (gifts given to third parties); ● anti-bribery policy. Executives and employees must give the following undertakings: ● never to solicit money, gifts, invitations or any other form of bribe, ● never to offer, give or promise gifts, invitations or any other form of bribe to a public official or private individual in order to obtain a benefit or preferential treatment, or to influence the completion of a transaction or the awarding of a contract, ● to obtain details of the anti-bribery rules applicable in the Group’s host countries, ● to notify their superior of any dubious requests or solicitations; ● policy concerning exports, dual-use items and technologies and military equipment and related items. Assystem complies with all international trade rules and export and import controls in its host countries, including bans on exports of military equipment and dual- use items, as well as with United Nations and European Union embargoes; ● of reasonable and symbolic value, ● occasional, Ethics and governance Since 22 May 2014 Assystem has been administered by a Board of Directors. This method of administration provides a form of governance that is more closely aligned with management, while ensuring adequate oversight by independent directors. The Board is assisted by two Committees, the Audit Committee and the Nominations and Remuneration Committee, whose respective roles are described in Chapter 2, Section of this Registration Document. All of the changes that took place in 2016 or are planned in 2017 concerning the membership of the Board of Directors (increase in the number of women directors, compliance with the provisions of the “Rebsamen Act” of 17 August 2015 on the election of a director representing employees) and the roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and the Board Committees (alignment of the Securities Trading Code of Conduct and the Board of Directors’ Rules of Procedure with European Union Regulation no. 596/2014 dated 16 April 2014 on market abuse (the MAR) and its implementing legislation, which entered into force on 3 July 2016) are presented in Section 2 of this Registration Document. Overseen by its Chairman and main shareholder, Dominique Louis, Assystem’s management team is made up primarily of engineers who hold or previously held operational positions in the Company. This is concrete evidence that within the Group, responsibility is based on expertise and initiative. Assystem’s senior management attaches great importance to maintaining efficient decision-making processes and guaranteeing the free flow of information within the Group. This concern stems in particular from the choice of a decentralised management structure to run the Group’s increasingly globalised business. Business ethics Employing fair business practices is one of the Group’s key priorities. Assystem has had a Code of Ethics since 2006 and it now also has a Code of Business Conduct that provides practical guidance on the





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