Areva - Reference Document 2016
20.2 Notes to the consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCERNING ASSETS, FINANCIAL POSITION AND FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE
1.3.3. Translation of financial statements of foreign companies The AREVA group’s financial statements are presented in euros. The functional currency of an entity is the currency of the economic environment in which that entity primarily operates. The functional currency of foreign subsidiaries and associates is generally the local currency. However, another currency may be designated for that purpose when most of a company’s transactions are in another currency. The financial statements of foreign companies belonging to the AREVA group are prepared in the local functional currency and translated into euros for consolidation purposes in accordance with the following principles: p balance sheet items (including goodwill) are translated at the rates applicable at the end of the period, with the exception of equity components, which are kept at their historic rates; p transactions of the income statement and cash flow statement are translated at average annual exchange rates; p currency translation differences on the net income and equity of these companies are recognized in “Other items of comprehensive income” and presented on the balance sheet under the equity heading “Currency translation reserves”. When a foreign company is discontinued or sold, the associated currency translation reserves recognized after January 1, 2004 (date of first-time adoption of the IFRS standards) are recognized in profit and loss. 1.3.4. Operating segments For all reporting periods, income items from operations sold, discontinued or held for sale are presented in the statement of income on a separate line, “net income from operations sold, discontinued for held for sale”. Balance sheet items from operations and assets held for sale are presented on a separate line of the statement of financial position under “Assets from operations held for sale” on the assets side and under “Liabilities of operations held for sell” on the liabilities side. Inasmuch as the continuing operations do not constitute operating segments and are located principally in France, AREVA does not report operating segment information for the periods ended December 31, 2015 and December 31, 2016. 1.3.5. Business combinations – Goodwill Acquisitions of companies and operations are recognized at cost based on the “acquisition cost” method, as provided in IFRS 3 for business combinations subsequent to January 1, 2004 and prior to December 31, 2009, and in IFRS 3 revised for operations subsequent to January 1, 2010. In accordance with the option provided by IFRS 1 for the first-time adoption of IFRS, business combinations prior to December 31, 2003 were not restated. Under the method required by this standard, the acquired company’s assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities meeting the definition of identifiable assets and liabilities are recognized at fair value on the date of acquisition, except for discontinued operating segments of the acquired entity, as provided in IFRS 5, which are recognized at the lower of fair value less costs to sell and the net carrying amount of the corresponding assets. For consolidation purposes, the date of consolidation of the acquired company is the date at which AREVA acquires effective control. Restructuring and other costs incurred by the acquired company as a result of the business combination are included in the liabilities acquired, as long as IAS 37 criteria for provisions are met at the date of acquisition. Costs incurred after the date of acquisition are recognized in operating income during the year in which such costs are incurred or when meeting IAS 37 criteria.
p Items not recyclable to the income statement include actuarial gains and losses arising subsequent to January 1, 2011, the date of retroactive application of amended IAS 19 (see note 1.3.15). These items are presented before tax. The total tax impact of these items is presented on a separate line under “recyclable items” and “non-recyclable items”. The share of other items of comprehensive income relating to operations sold or held for sale is presented on separate lines of that statement in their total amount after tax, separating items that are recyclable through profit and loss from items that are not recyclable. The share of other items of comprehensive income relating to associates is presented on a separate line in the total amount after tax. However, items that are recyclable are not separated from items that are not recyclable, as the amounts are insignificant. Presentation of the statement of cash flows The statement of cash flows is presented in accordance with IAS 7. AREVA has adopted the “indirect method” of presentation, which starts with consolidated net income for the period. Cash flows from operating activities include income taxes paid, interest paid or received, and dividends received, except for dividends received from associates consolidated using the equity method, which are included in cash flows from investing activities. Cash provided by operations is presented before income tax, dividends and interest. 1.3.2 Consolidation and equity methods The consolidated financial statements combine the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 of AREVA and of the subsidiaries which it controls, per the criteria defined in IFRS 10, and which are fully consolidated. Joint ventures (companies in which AREVA exercises joint control with one or more other investors and which do not meet the definition of a joint business operation) and associates (companies in which AREVA exercises a notable influence on financial policy andmanagement) are consolidated using the equity method. Under the equity method: p the share of the equity of these companies, corresponding to the percentage of interest held by AREVA plus any goodwill generated during the acquisition of the interest, is recognized as an asset on the consolidated statement of financial position; p the share of the net income of these companies, corresponding to the percentage of interest held by AREVA less any impairment of goodwill, is recognized on the consolidated statement of income. In accordance with IAS 28, AREVA ceases to recognize its share of equity and income in joint ventures and associates when their equity is negative, unless AREVA is explicitly or implicitly obliged to ensure the continuity of their operations. Joint ventures and associates cease to be consolidated using the equity method when they are classified under “non-current assets held for sale” (see section above). They are then valued at the lowest of their carrying amount or their fair value, less disposal costs, corresponding to their probable net realizable value. Intercompany transactions are eliminated.
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