Amundi - Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016
Economic, social and environmental information CSR at Amundi
Acting as a responsible financial institution is a core commitment of Amundi’s development strategy.This commitment is reflected in our socially responsible management and the support we provide to our clients in the form of investment solutions promoting energy transition. Our commitment is also reflected in our corporate social and environmental policy (CSR). The objective of this report is to give a clear picture of the direct and indirect social and environmental impacts of Amundi’s business and to show how the Company takes into account, and satisfies, the expectations of its stakeholders.
risks on our clients’ investments is also one of our responsibilities. Amundi is also committed to providing high-performing, transparent savings and investment solutions to its clients as part of a long-lasting relationship built on trust. Finally, Amundi’s aim is to apply the principles of social responsibility to its own operations. Reducing and managing its environmental impact, eliminating discrimination, promoting equal opportunity, ensuring transparency and integrity in its governance, developing a long-term philanthropic policy and encouraging the social involvement of its employees are Amundi’s CSR objectives. This policy is carried out both in France and abroad.
With €1,083 billion of assets under management, Amundi is Europe’s largest asset management company (1) and in the top ten worldwide. Amundi must act responsibly and ensure that it conducts its business in the public interest. For this reason, at its creation in 2010, Amundi made the inclusion of sustainable development and social utility criteria in its investment policies – in addition to financial criteria – its fourth fundamental principle. Today, with close to €168 billion in Socially Responsible Investments (SRI), Amundi is one of Europe’s most socially committed investors. Our objective is to increase the inclusion of public interest criteria, which is to say Environmental, Social and Governance criteria (ESG) in all of the Group’s investing. Assessing the potential impact of climate
Amundi’s CSR commitments
Amundi strives to reflect its sustainable responsibility in the way it conducts it business, in the way it operates and in its environment. Furthermore, in terms of the general issues inherent to asset managers, Amundi’s specific challenges and the analysis of the direct and indirect impacts of its activities, the Company has made three principal commitments: p commitment to our clients: Act as a responsible financial institution;
p commitment to our employees: Make individual and collective development central to our responsibility as an employer; p commitment to society and the world around us: Act as a community-minded, eco-aware citizen.
(1) In continental Europe.
08 AMUNDI - 2016 Corporate social responsability report
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