Amundi - Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2016

Economic, social and environmental information Acting as a community-minded, eco-aware citizen

Group carbon footprint assessment In its carbon footprint assessment, Amundi takes into account its greenhouse gas emissions associated with the direct impact of its business (scope 1), its indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with its energy consumption (scope 2) and its other indirect greenhouse gas emissions associated with its business (upstream scope 3). The latest comprehensive carbon footprint assessment was completed in 2016 using 2015 data.

relevance, prior authorisation for trips abroad, mandatory rail travel for trips of less than three hours, limits on taxi trips, ecological preference for hybrid taxis, etc. and through the increase in video-conferencing. Travel reporting mentions CO 2 emissions so as to make travellers more aware of their environmental impact. In terms of commuting, Amundi pays for 80% of the cost of Navigo cards and Velib cards. When selecting company cars, Amundi favours fuel-efficient vehicles and uses hybrid vehicles. Equipping Amundi buildings for video-conferencing Amundi opted to supply its meeting rooms with a significant amount of video-conferencing equipment. As a result, nine meeting rooms are now equipped with dedicated video-conferencing equipment in Paris and 24 internationally, i.e. an equipment ratio in Parisian buildings of 62%. We also implemented the large-scale use of Skype/Webex by distributing over 300 packs (headset and webcam). Statistics show a noticeable rise in the number of video-conferences. In addition to video-conferencing, meetings between people in different geographical locations are increasingly taking place via SKYPE for Business, the Microsoft business solution for communicating and sharing documents remotely. Every quarter, Amundi sends employees a quantitative and qualitative report on volumes of waste sorted and recycled. Communication and awareness campaigns are regularly conducted to remind employees of the need to improve the quality of selective sorting: results of the audits performed on the quality of the sorting, quantitative reporting on cleaning weeks; quarterly newsletters on waste volumes, organisation of awareness-raising workshops regarding selective sorting during the sustainable development week, communication regarding best practices. Amundi Tenue de Comptes made a commitment to preserving biodiversity by installing two beehives on the last floor balcony of its building located in the middle of an eco-park in Valence. This innovative environmental project contributes to bee conservation. EDUCATING EMPLOYEES ABOUT “ACTING GREEN”

0.5% Direct waste

1% Excluding energy

11% Energy


Non-current assets


Personal travel

22% Inputs


2 emissions (in Teq CO 2

): -5.7%








Travel policy Amundi works to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses through its responsible Business travel policy, now applicable to the entire Amundi Group, which was strengthened in 2016: validation of the trip

34 AMUNDI - 2016 Corporate social responsability report

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