Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information





SDGs Others

303 – Water and Effluents


Highest governance body(ies) involved

Board of Directors / ECSC Executive Committee / Environment Committee

Related corporate policies

Environmental Policy, Code of Conduct

Management system Relevant certifications

EMS – Environmental Management System ISO 14001 – 87% of workforce covered

2023 vs . 2022

2023 vs. Baseline



Target 2030 Baseline 2015


Water: Water purchased (m 3 )



2,922,431 2,772,185

-5.1% -17.7%

Water withdrawal (m 3 )

0% increase


3,687,717 3,535,867

-4.1% -18.1%

Other key metrics (More metrics available in “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board”)

2023 vs. 2022



% of water withdrawal from all areas with high or extremely high water stress (1)

37% 37%


(1) Areas identified with high or extremely high water stress as defined by the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas, “baseline” (Aqueduct version 3.0 for the 2022 and previous data and Aqueduct version 4.0 -updated in August 2023- for the 2023 data). Note: 2015 and 2022 data have been restated in order to re-integrate volumes previously accidentally omitted from two sites located in Germany and one site located in Canada.

Metrics assumptions

Additional resources

Environmental Policy Statement , Sustainability on

II. Governance The Airbus Environmental Policy and overall governance, as described in “– 1.2.2 Climate change” apply to this topic. III. Risk Management Environmental risk and opportunities are managed following the Company’s ERM system, as described in the section “– 1.2.2 Climate Change”. This covers among other risks related to water accessibility in areas of high and extremely high water stress. In addition, water has been identified as relevant to climate change physical risks: work is ongoing to update the above-mentioned risks in line with TCFD. IV. Implementation/Activities In 2023, the Company refined its estimates of its own water usage; overall water usage mostly relates to non-industrial uses (around 60% of water withdrawal), while the rest is used in production-related uses (about one third) and fire protection (less than 10%). In order to better monitor its approach with regards to water management, the Company has set the following 2030 targets ( vs. 2015 baseline): -50% reduction in purchased water and 0% increase in water withdrawal.

The Company is currently working on a revision of these water targets with a site per site context-based approach and a reinforced focus on sites located in high and extremely high water stress areas, also considering 2030 projections. When finalised, this should result in the discontinuation of the purchased water related target and a more relevant target for water withdrawal. While all concerned sites are working towards these targets with the implementation of advanced water management practices, a focus is put on areas with current or future high water stress levels. For example, local water stress levels are used as a criterion for prioritising the funding of projects and for launching pilot projects ( e.g. proof of concept launched in Illescas, Spain on digitised and automated water consumption real-time monitoring). In 2023, the Company conducted studies in 14 sites representing 68% of the Airbus 2023 total withdrawal in order to assess the water management maturity level of these sites and identify relevant opportunities to further reduce withdrawals. Other sites have conducted maturity self-assessments based on the same methodology.

99 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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