Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Investing in the future The Company is investing in and accelerating its efforts on five complementary strategic pathways to reduce its environmental footprint, in support of the overall sector ambition, as highlighted above. Overall, a major portion of the Company capital expenditures (CapEx), research & technology (R&T), and research & development (R&D) expenses is linked to its commercial aircraft activities and the realisation of these five decarbonisation pathways. In 2023, the total R&D spend of the Company amounted to €3.3 billion (2022: € 3.1 billion). Progress and performance In 2023, the Company delivered 735 commercial aircraft. Of these 735, the emissions of three A330-200 aircraft destined to A330 MRTT production are excluded from the commercial aircraft perimeter and included in the military aircraft perimeter as part of the “other products” category. Based on an average life-time in service of around 22 years (average life-times specific to each aircraft type were used in the calculation), and SAF uptake assumptions as per IEA-SDS scenario (ETP2020), the total CO 2 emissions for these products over their anticipated life-time is estimated at around 464MtCO 2 e, which translates to an average efficiency of 62.9gCO 2 e per passenger-kilometre. In 2022, the Company delivered 663 aircraft with resulting estimated life-time emissions of around 425MtCO 2 e and average efficiency of 64.4gCO 2 e per passenger-kilometre.




















Linear extrapolation to target

Actual deliveries' average lifetime efficiency

The Company estimates that products delivered in 2023 will see their life-time emissions reduced by around 15% thanks to the gradual introduction of SAF during their operational life. For all reported Scope 3 figures and performance metrics, see “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board”. Efficiency metric (SBTi-validated target) – Since 2015, commercial aircraft scope 3 efficiency measured through this metric has improved by 29.2%, largely supported by significant investments into new aircraft technology and designs, as well as by projected SAF uptake impact to a lower extent. Given the variable time horizons of each of the five decarbonisation

pathways presented above, it is expected that the increase of SAF used by airlines in the coming decades will have a decisive impact for achieving this -46% target by 2035. In order to be able to check how actual global penetration of SAF is consistent with its target related assumptions, the Company is developing the means to monitor actual availability of SAF and the resulting impact on aircraft emissions. This will take the form of a tool that aggregates public commercial data and processes it with a combination of artificial intelligence and rule-based calculations. The model is currently being tested, and expected to enable the first reliable results in 2024.

91 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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