Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Complementing the materiality assessment described further above, the Company reviewed in 2022 and confirmed in 2023 the list of its priority sustainability risks (as shown above) to help prioritise its actions. This process complements, and is fully integrated into, the Company’s ERM process. It is based on contributions and inputs consolidated from a wide range of stakeholders and resources. This includes desktop research, interviews with key internal stakeholders and verification with internal and external stakeholders. The human rights risks identified were complemented and cross-analysed with product

life cycle assessments – including sectoral inputs – and the Company’s top health and safety risks. For more details on risks related to the environment, see “– 1.2.2 Climate change – III. Risk Management and IV. Transition Plan – 1. Industrial Operations”. For more details on risks related to human rights, see “– 1.2.10 Human rights – III. Risk Management and IV. Implementation / Activities”. For more details on risks related to health and safety, see “– 1.2.9 Health and safety – III. Risk Management and IV. Implementation / Activities”.

Procedures for regularly assessing the situation of relevant subsidiaries, contractors and suppliers. The table below summarises procedures for regularly assessing the situation of relevant subsidiaries, contractors and suppliers. Specific relevant complementary information can be found in the respective topic sections.

The Company


Internal assessment / audit

Company (or via 3 rd party) assessment

ICSA (Self assessment)

External audits ( e.g. ISO) ✔ ISO 14001 (1) ✔ ISO 45001 (2)

Management system

Self assessment


Health and Safety

Human Rights

(1) 87% workforce currently covered. (2) ~25% workforce currently covered.

Prevention and mitigation actions: the table below summarises transversal mitigation / preventive actions.

The Company


Whistleblowing system (see below)

Contractual terms and conditions

Supplier Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Policies / directives

Whistleblowing system



Health and Safety

Human Rights

Employees may also report concerns to managers, HRBPs, Ethics & Compliance Representatives, Privacy Focal Points, or Export Control Points of Contact. OpenLine is anonymous where legally permissible. It covers all sustainability topics and is also available to external stakeholders including suppliers. The Company endeavours to ensure that the procedures to assess, investigate and manage allegations are well-aligned throughout the Company. For further information, see “– 1.2.14 Business Integrity”.

Alert / grievance and whistleblowing mechanism: The Company recognises that the Code of Conduct cannot prevent every situation that may arise, and therefore encourages people – including employees, interns, temporary workers, candidates for employment, shareholders and third parties – to speak-up about concerns related to the Company. Concerns may be raised through various channels, including through OpenLine (available at ). OpenLine enables people to submit an alert securely and confidentially.

Airbus Annual Report


Universal Registration Document 2023

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