Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

V. Stakeholder engagement The Company is committed to engage in constant meaningful dialogue with its stakeholders, striving for openness, transparency and inclusiveness. Key stakeholder groups, in line with the International Aerospace Environmental Group proposal for the sector include, amongst others, employees, customers, suppliers, industrial partners (including energy providers), social partners, investors, Non Governmental Organisations, authorities / governments / policy makers, industry associations, MRO (maintenance, repair and overhaul) providers, air navigation service providers (ANSPs), airports, and the community at large. The Company endeavours to take the interests of relevant stakeholders – including in connection with the sustainability aspects of the Company’s strategy – into account, whereby the Company aspires to treat its stakeholders with respect and dignity and welcomes their perspectives. In its communications, the Company seeks to use clear and concise language and works to provide stakeholders with sufficient information regarding relevant topics, in a timely manner. The Company attempts to improve its stakeholder engagement processes continuously, including by regularly reviewing and, if necessary, updating the various principles it observes, to ensure that the dialogue remains relevant and effective. If a relevant stakeholder requests dialogue, the Company tries to facilitate this request, unless it does not believe that this would be in the best interest of the Company and its business, in which case the Company may reject such request. In case stakeholder dialogue is already taking place, the Company may terminate such stakeholder dialogue if the Company believes that continuing such dialogue would not be in the best interest of the Company and its business. The Company’s dialogue with its stakeholders, in line with the above-mentioned principles, helps the Company to progress its sustainability ambition. In addition, it has formalised a number of opportunities to exchange more widely with its stakeholders. For instance, beyond materiality assessment, the Company meets at least twice a year with social partners to review sustainability topics (see “– 1.2.12 Social dialogue”). It has also established the Airbus Supplier Sustainability Council in 2022 (see “– 1.2.15 Responsible supply chain”). It organises other events where sustainability topics are addressed, such as the Capital Market Day and the Airbus Summit, both last held in 2022. Additionally, it participated in numerous events such as air shows or conferences, which fostered dialogue on sustainability matters with a large number of external stakeholders including investors, customers, media, NGOs, institutions, policy makers, and other industry or value chain partners.

VI. Governance On 1 January 2024, the Company further strengthened sustainability with the creation of a Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO) position. Hence, Julie Kitcher has been appointed CSO and Communications and remains a member of the Executive Committee. In her new role, she continues to assume the governance bodies responsibilities previously taken on as EVP Communications & Corporate Affairs. Conscious of the strategic importance of sustainability, the Company has defined governance at the highest level. Oversight has been established at the Board of Directors level with the Ethics, Compliance and Sustainability Committee (“ ECSC ”). For further information about the ECSC, see “– 4.1 Corporate Governance – Management and Control”. The ECSC is responsible for assisting the Board of Directors to oversee the Company’s: – –Culture and commitment to ethical business, integrity and sustainability; – – Ethics & Compliance programme, organisation and framework for the effective governance of ethics and compliance, including all associated internal policies, procedures and controls (this includes the areas of money laundering and terrorist financing, fraud, bribery and corruption, trade sanctions and export control, data privacy, procurement and supply chain compliance and anti-competitive practice); and – –Sustainability strategy and effective governance to ensure that sustainability-related topics are taken into account in the Company’s strategy and objectives. Under the Board Rules, the Board of Directors delegates the day to-day management of the Company to the CEO, who, supported by the Executive Committee, makes decisions with respect to the management of the Company, including sustainability. Alignment between the Board of Directors and the Company leadership team is also supported by the regular attendance of the CSO and Communications, an Executive Committee member, to the ECSC. The Executive Committee has the responsibility to provide top level expectations and direction, while overseeing and validating the sustainability strategy. This entails validating sustainability targets, including those integrated into the Top Company Objectives. The Executive Committee is supported by several committees or boards linked to the Company’s four sustainability commitments: – –The Sustainability Strategy Committee, which reviews sustainability performance and progress twice a year, aims to ensure alignment across all sustainability topics. It is co chaired by the CSO and Communications and the Head of Strategy and Public Affairs. – –The Environment Committee, the Inclusion & Diversity Advisory Board, the Product Safety Board as well as the Occupational Health and Safety Governance Board (created in 2022; see “– 1.2.9 Health and Safety”), all chaired by Executive Committee members. – – The Steering Committees of the Human Rights and Sustainable Supply Chain Roadmaps, both sponsored by Executive Committee members. Other sustainability topics such as business integrity are brought directly to the attention of the Executive Committee. Where relevant, additional elements of governance linked to specific topics are explained in the governance sections.

68 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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