Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

III. Sustainability commitments Furthermore, the Company understands that contributing to a sustainable society is achieved not just through what it does but also how it does it, striving to minimise negative impacts and maximise the positive ones. In order to give direction and focus, in 2020 the Company updated its sustainability strategic

framework around the four sustainability priority commitments listed below that also include its value chain in various areas. These commitments are still in place today and are in close connection with the UN SDGs, contributing more specifically to eight of them.

The Company’s four commitments

Material topics (see hereafter) SDGs


Climate change Pollution Materials and circularity Water Biodiversity

1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.2.6

#1 Lead the journey towards clean aerospace

Product safety Cyber security Health and safety

1.2.7 1.2.8 1.2.9

#2 Build our business on the foundation of safety and quality

Human rights Inclusion and diversity Social dialogue People

1.2.10 1.2.11 1.2.12 1.2.13

#3 Respect human rights and foster inclusion

#4 Exemplify business integrity

Business integrity


IV. Materiality matrix The Company updated its materiality assessment in 2022 and used stakeholders´ inputs to support the ranking of which ESG issues are most material (and would consequently be addressed in the sustainability strategy). The range of ESG topics assessed was defined based on relevant industry and regulatory references, as well as on internal expertise. The results of this 2022 update were captured in a materiality matrix (refer to materiality matrix chart below), which is fundamental in confirming the relevance of the Company’s four commitments. It is a three-dimensional matrix: – – Importance to stakeholders (vertical axis): The Company asked its 12 most important stakeholder groups (see “Stakeholder engagement” section below) about their view on how important it is for the Company to address a given topic. Scoring was established by capturing the voice of key stakeholders – including employees, customers, suppliers, investors, social partners – via a survey sent to selected representatives in each category and targeting individuals who are familiar with sustainability matters. Other information was obtained with the support of artificial intelligence (based on analysis of reports, legislation and media sources), capturing the importance of the respective topics in stakeholders’ communication. Most information was collected using the Datamaran tool. During the feedback consolidation phase, a greater weight was assigned to critical stakeholders.

Across each commitment the Company has set key performance indicators (“ KPIs ”) and targets enabling the Company to monitor progress towards these ambitions. These can be found in “– 1.2.17 ESG data board”, which gathers all reported sustainability metrics. They can also be found in the related sections of this chapter, which is structured around each of the four commitments, completed by two sections which cut across all four commitments, “– 1.2.15 Responsible supply chain” and “– 1.2.16 Community impact”. In addition, EU taxonomy regulatory information is disclosed in section 1.2.19. Several sources were essential in deciding on the four commitments, including the 2019 materiality assessment which is regularly updated, a benchmark exercise, an analysis of market and regulatory trends, an evaluation of ESG risks in the Company’s risk report, a human rights gap analysis and the consideration of the Company’s values.

66 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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