Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

1.2 Non-Financial Information

1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability

I. Purpose The Company’s purpose is to “pioneer sustainable aerospace for a safe and united world”. The Company designs, manufactures and delivers aerospace products, services and solutions to customers on a worldwide scale helping to create value and drive growth. The Company is aware of its responsibility to society and future generations, and contributes to a number of UN Sustainable Development Goals (“ SDGs ”) through its core business and how it operates. The Company enables prosperity. Its products help to unite cultures, connect economies, and enable global cooperation and partnership. The Company brings together people and organisations across the globe, physically with its commercial aircraft and helicopters, and virtually with its satellites and connectivity solutions. It mobilises the collective positive impact of its workforce, products and services to tackle societal challenges in partnership with local communities. In addition, the Company works in cooperation with others to maximise its positive impact, playing an active advocacy role, educating the aerospace industry and partnering with other businesses and public sector organisations to develop technology and solutions for the industry to contribute to the transition towards a responsible economy. It is committed to being an economically resilient business that has the financial strength to invest in the future.

The Company is committed to valuing people. Its business is built on a foundation of integrity, safety and quality, applying high standards from design to operation. A key aspect of integrity is respect for human rights. The Company embeds and advances respect for human rights within its business, operations and supply chain. The Company’s technology allows its customers to support the protection of lives during conflict and the management of crises to reduce the risk of escalation. The Company’s products help to protect citizens, defend sovereignty and advance global security, mindful that there can be no sustainability without security. The Company strives to respect the planet. It aspires to lead the decarbonisation journey in aerospace. The Company pioneers advanced and disruptive technologies while continuously improving the fuel efficiency of its products. From exploring new aircraft and propulsion technologies and alternatives to fossil fuels such as Sustainable Aviation Fuels (“ SAF ”), to testing new prototype aircraft concepts powered by hydrogen, the Company is committed to reducing the environmental impact of its products. It is also committed to improving its environmental performance and, for example, to actively reducing emissions through its value chain, cutting on-site waste and increasing the recycling capability of aircraft at the end of their service life. The Company’s products and services, such as its Earth observation technologies, allow it to play its part in addressing climate change, providing insights to help make the planet more resilient.





2-1 General Disclosures

4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 13, 16, 17

Vigilance Plan

Board of Directors / ECSC Executive Committee supported by topic-focused committees

Highest governance body(ies) involved

UN Global Compact, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct, UN Sustainable Development Goals Sustainability on , Airbus Tax Strategy , Shaping the future of aerospace on , Airbus Scale , Earth monitoring and understanding ( e.g. Climate change monitoring ), 2023 ASD Facts Sheet , ATAG Benefits Beyond Borders fact sheet

Commitments to external frameworks

Add. resources : this symbol indicates a link to an external website

64 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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