Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.1 Presentation of the Company


Airbus (Commercial Aircraft) Airbus is one of the world’s leading aircraft manufacturers of passenger and freighter aircraft and related services. In 2023, Airbus delivered 735 aircraft (compared to 661 deliveries in 2022) and received 2,319 gross orders (compared to 1,078 gross orders in 2022). After accounting for cancellations, net order intake for 2023 was 2,094 aircraft (compared to 820 aircraft in 2022). As of 31 December 2023, Airbus’s backlog of commercial orders was 8,598 aircraft (compared to 7,239 aircraft in 2022). In 2023, Airbus (Commercial Aircraft) recorded total revenues of € 47.8 billion – representing approximately 72% of the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.2 Airbus (Commercial Aircraft)”. On 1 January 2024, the Company implemented a new organisational set up and top management changes, including the appointment of a designated Commercial Aircraft leadership team, operating under the helm of Christian Scherer. Helicopters Airbus Helicopters is a global leader in the civil and military rotorcraft market, offering one of the most complete and modern ranges of helicopters and related services. This product range currently includes intermediate single-engine, light twin-engine, medium and medium-heavy rotorcraft, which are adaptable to all kinds of mission types based on customer needs. Airbus Helicopters delivered 346 helicopters in 2023 (compared to 344 in 2022) and received 393 net orders in 2023 (compared to 362 net orders in 2022). Order intake amounted to € 8.6 billion (2022: € 9.3 billion). Military contracts accounted for 51% of this order volume, with civil sales representing the remaining 49%. At the end of 2023, Airbus Helicopters’ order book stood at 804 helicopters (compared to 757 helicopters in 2022). In 2023, Airbus Helicopters recorded total revenues of € 7.3 billion, representing approximately 11% of the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.3 Helicopters”. Defence and Space Airbus Defence and Space is a European leader in space systems, defence and security. In 2023, Airbus Defence and Space was organised in three main segments: Military Air Systems (reorganised as Air Power from 1 January 2024), Space Systems and Connected Intelligence. Airbus Defence and Space develops, produces and maintains cutting-edge products, systems and services, enabling governments, institutions and commercial customers to protect people and resources. In 2023, Airbus Defence and Space recorded total revenues of € 11,5 billion, representing approximately 17% of the Company’s revenues. See “– 1.1.4 Defence and Space”.

and Rights at Work and its eight Core Labour Standards. In doing so, the Company aims to implement policies and processes that respect applicable law in the countries in which it operates and to take into account the United Nations Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“ OECD ”) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. As declared in Airbus’ Human Rights Policy Statement, the Company commits to embed and advance respect for human rights, covering activities under its full, direct control in its divisions, affiliates and supply chain. The Company has also committed to undertaking ongoing risk-based human rights due diligence on such activities to identify, address and remedy adverse impacts, to prioritise its most salient human rights issues and to be transparent in this regard. The Company has also committed to engaging with key stakeholders and to working proactively, both within and outside the industry, to collectively address human rights issues and strive to progress respect for human rights throughout the sector and beyond. 4.4 Exemplify business integrity The Company’s operations span across more than 100 countries, and the Company has committed to being a responsible corporate citizen and to conduct its business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, wherever it operates in the world. As part of this commitment, the Company supports the principles of the UN Global Compact and IFBEC’s Global Principles of Business Ethics, which set a benchmark for high ethical standards globally. At all times, the Company must demonstrate commitment to and drive adherence of its supply chain to the highest ethics and compliance standards while fortifying its own policies, programmes and culture so it can conduct business ethically and position Airbus as a trusted and reliable partner. To improve accountability, the Company has established a dedicated Ethics & Compliance organisation, and continually works to strengthen its compliance programmes. Airbus wants to ensure that ethical and compliant behaviour is deeply embedded throughout the Company, as well as being supported by a clear Code of Conduct and Business Integrity principles.

Organisation of the Company’s businesses

The Company has organised its businesses into the following three operating segments: (i) Airbus, (ii) Helicopters and (iii) Defence and Space. The chart set out in “– General Description of the Company and its Share Capital – 3.3.6 Simplified Group Structure Chart” illustrates the allocation of activities.

35 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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