Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.3 Other corporate activities


systems resistant to severe electromagnetic and electric environments such as lightning strikes and short circuit current. The project established a full methodology relying on modelling and validation tests to express requirements for the design of hydrogen systems. Additional progress related to high voltage and high current technologies was achieved by analysing physical phenomena ( e.g. partial discharges, space charges) at the origin of cable connector ageing and failure. Two concepts of high voltage connectors to be tested were proposed. Communication technologies: The team has been trailblazing groundbreaking communication technologies on the hardware and software side for Airbus’ future flying platforms. The next generation of mobile communication standard 6G (with features like joint communication and sensing) has undergone analysis and demonstration projects are being prepared. Advanced optical communication is being looked at as it is expected to enable very high data rate communications to and from aircraft, while novel implementations of AI algorithms on embedded systems are being investigated for safety critical applications. In the area of quantum communications, major steps were achieved in the field of free-space links, entanglement sources and quantum networks. In addition, new approaches to secure communication networks on the meta-data level are being investigated. Artificial intelligence: On the topic of developing “trustworthy” AI, the most impactful outcome was providing uncertainty quantification of neural networks outputs; this allows one to know if the answer provided by an AI model can be trusted. This work is currently integrated in the Certifiable and Embedded AI plateau, which is aimed at de-risking the use of AI for safety critical applications. Work on the formal verification of neural networks and explainability continues. The team has also worked with manufacturing to optimise operations and logistics, as well as exploring how to adapt robots with AI to operate spatially in the context of the plant floor. Also in this context, a demonstrator to introduce AI in qualified industrial processes was developed. Finally, the speech-to-text models developed by the team are being used inside the company for Air Traffic Control speech transcription. Virtual product engineering: The team has developed the first element of a tool for monitoring cabin crew fatigue, and a demonstration version was integrated into a larger cabin demonstrator. Results of advanced model-based systems engineering technology investigations, which will support co-development of product and industrial systems, were successfully completed and have been industrialised in the Digital Design, Manufacturing and Services (DDMS) tools ecosystem. To improve the performance of simulations, the team launched a new project on the introduction of AI techniques at various modelling levels in order to complement traditional computational approaches. For example, it will speed up the simulations without degrading the accuracy of the results by replacing heavy ( i.e. complex, multi-step) solvers with an AI model. Finally, the collaboration between research entities in France: CRT, Inria ( Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique ) and Cerfacs ( Centre Européen de Recherche et de Formation Avancée en Calcul Scientifique ), developing a project to enhance key capabilities for the next generation of modelling and simulation, delivered its first results and proposed a clear roadmap for the next three years.

Quantum technology: Implications of quantum technologies for aerospace and defence are extensive and include important applications in the fields of computing, communication, and sensing. The objective is to explore this emerging technology for the Company and to prepare Airbus for the early adoption of its portfolio. In 2023, Airbus collaborated with BMW and Quantinuum and demonstrated for the first time the modelling of chemical reactions in fuel cells with a quantum computer. Quantum-enhanced navigation projects have been initiated, aiming to explore the potential of quantum technologies to achieve safe navigation in GPS-denied areas. At the end of 2023, Airbus and BMW launched a common quantum computing challenge, inviting the global quantum community to solve pressing mobility applications with relevance for both the aviation and automotive sector. The challenge runs under the motto “The Quantum Mobility Quest” and is hosted by “The Quantum Insider” and supported by “Amazon Web Services”. BlueSky research: Explores, validates and pushes early upstream technologies, which are new to Airbus, of strategic nature, high risk and high reward, that will push the boundaries of aerospace and will lead to high business and societal impact. This activity is driven by five clusters: Future Energies (new ways to generate, convey and manage energy), Future Transportation (novel ways to transport people, goods and data), Future Society (design for societal change), Bioconvergence (frontiers of humans and machines), and Future Industry (new way to build, produce and deliver). Key concepts that have been explored this year are Disruptive Energies, Metaverse up- and downstream, Human Enhancement technologies, and Project 42, a model of societal reaction to future Airbus products. Airbus Demonstrators – Airbus UpNext Airbus UpNext is actively shaping the future of the aerospace industry as part of the Airbus innovation ecosystem by building demonstrators at speed and scale, in order to boost, evaluate, mature and validate potential new products and services that embody radical technological breakthroughs. In 2023 UpNext explored multiple technologies across all businesses of the Company, from Helicopters to Defence and Space and the Commercial Aircraft business. At the Le Bourget Paris Air Show a new demonstrator “HyPower” was revealed, which focuses on delivering hydrogen-based energy for non propulsive purposes on an A330 testbed. Throughout the year, UpNext concluded multiple demonstrations such as: Dragonfly: A demonstrator that experimented with new pilot operations both on ground and inflight to reduce pilot workload and ensure safe return to airport. VERTEX: Could a helicopter be flown with just a tablet? This helicopter demonstration leveraged fly-by-wire capabilities with an in-house Human-Machine Interface that enabled the flight of an H130 helicopter with solely a tablet and human friendly commands. ASCEND: The exploration of potential applicability of superconductivity and cryogenic cooling on a powertrain for aviation was completed in November 2023, with the power-on of a newly designed motor. First announced in March 2021, in just three years the viability of this technology was validated with design, manufacturing and testing all achieved.

163 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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