Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities 1.2 Non-Financial Information

VI. Outlook The SSCR is constantly evolving to actively support the Company’s sustainability ambition, to adapt to progressing sustainability requirements and to endeavour to minimise sustainability impacts in the supply chain. It is building upon its current initiatives to deploy them to an even larger number of suppliers. In 2024, notably this will include: – – continuing to require the adherence of the Company’s SCoC principles throughout the Company’s supply base; – – reinforcing the risk identification and risk assessment of the Company’s supply chain due diligence plan; – – extending the coverage of supplier sustainability assessments by requesting more suppliers to perform such an assessment with the objective to reach 75% of the spend volume in 2025;

– –engaging with suppliers after the assessment outcomes, when required, – –improving the Scope 3 Category 1 Procured Goods and Services (PGS) calculation. – –deploying learning sessions to develop Procurement community competences on sustainability matters, with an awareness session planned to be developed in 2024 and the specific training on human rights to be further deployed. – – pursuing the Company’s ambition to work at sector level to promote harmonised sustainability practices throughout the aerospace supply chain.

1.2.16 Community Impact

I. Introduction The Company takes global collective action across the world where the Company operates to support communities with a focus on three community impact priority themes: the most vulnerable, the environment, and young people. Products, services and employees are mobilised with a focus on equitable and measurable solutions, in line with the Company purpose.

Community Impact



413 Local communities

All 17 SDGs with a focus on 1,2,3,4,5,13, 14, 15 and 17

Board of Directors / ECSC Airbus Foundation Board of Directors, Airbus Foundation Endowment Fund Board of Directors A42 Community Impact Policy A1133 Directive on Sponsorships, Corporate Donations & Corporate Membership The bylaws of the Airbus Corporate Foundation and the Airbus Foundation Endowment Fund

Highest governance body(ies) involved

Related Corporate Reference Documents

Key metrics



Number of Sustainability Ambassadors



% of employees onboarded to the +impact platform

4% 12%

Community impact on , Airbus Foundation on, including its annual reports Airbus Foundation partnership to support Polar POD mission in the Southern Ocean

Additional resources

II. Governance The Sustainability – Develop & Engage department manages the global strategy and framework for community impact in the Company and supports the operations of the Airbus Foundation. A global network of community impact focal points representing the major countries where the Company operates drive local partnerships and engagement, as welI as a committee of specific topic experts who provide overarching assessment, guidance and recommendations. A corporate top sustainability objective related to community impact is set annually, with awareness and adoption supported by the Company’s transversal sustainability networks. Community Impact is also integrated into the business through a policy and processes at operational levels, including a formalised assessment and decision mechanism for corporate donation requests submitted by business lines. In addition, there are standard reporting lines to the Sustainability & Environment organisation, with top level oversight provided by the ECSC at the Company’s Board of Directors level.

The Airbus Foundation and its Endowment Fund are non-profit entities of general interest registered under French law, with specific Articles of Association that define their respective missions and remits. The strategy of the Foundation is governed by its Board of Directors and the Airbus Foundation and Airbus Foundation Endowment Fund annual reports and accounts are submitted annually to the French authorities, as required by law. III. Implementation/Activities 2023 continued to be a year of transition and evolution of the community impact framework. The Company strengthened the established routes for corporate giving and philanthropy, and expanded opportunities for employee engagement through the “+impact” digital platform (launched at the end of 2022). The Company also focused on enabling the future, piloting new projects that contribute to social value and shape a shared value approach. Shared value aims to bring societal needs together with business opportunities and resources to create a win-win situation for all parties, which is both scalable and sustainable. See “Outlook” section below for further details.

132 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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