Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Exemplify business integrity

1.2.14 Business Integrity

I. Introduction The Company’s Ethics & Compliance programme seeks to ensure that the Company’s business practices conform to applicable laws, regulations and ethical business principles, as well as reinforcing a culture of integrity and speak-up. In 2023, Ethics & Compliance continued to be a top priority for the Company. In its list of priorities for the year, the Company treats integrity and compliance as vital for its business. The Company has worked over the past several years to develop an Ethics & Compliance programme that is structured around the following key risk areas: Business Ethics / Anti‑Corruption Compliance, Export Control Compliance and Privacy. Each of these areas is, in turn, supported by dedicated compliance

policies and a team responsible for their implementation, together with the identification and proposal of new measures to adapt to a constantly evolving regulatory landscape. In 2023 the Company closed the Deferred Prosecution Agreements in the United States, the United Kingdom and France, as well as of the Consent Agreement in the United States – See “Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements – Note 38: Litigation and Claims” Improving the Ethics & Compliance programme remains a constant and ongoing process, in cooperation with other functions within the Company, in order to sustain and capitalise on its values.

Business integrity





205 Anti Corruption Business Ethics


Highest governance body(ies) involved

Board of Directors / ECSC, Executive Committee

Anti Corruption Policy, Responsible Lobbying Charter Directives: see below, section III. Risk Management Code of Conduct, Supplier Code of Conduct

Related corporate policies and reference documents

External standards taken into account

IFBEC’s Global Principles of Business Ethics, FX Global Code

Key metrics



Number of employees per appointed Ethics & Compliance Representatives



Number of employees per appointed Export Control Point of Contact



% of employees who completed the E&C training objective (Reporting period: from 1 Jan to 31 Dec)

96% 96%

Number of E&C e-learning sessions taken by employees (Reporting period: from 1 Oct to 30 Sep)

290,178 525,280

Of which Export Control e-learning sessions delivered to employees (Reporting period: from 1 Oct to 30 Sep)



Number of privacy e-learning sessions delivered to employees (Reporting period: from 1 Oct to 30 Sep)



Airbus Ethics & Compliance webpage, including CEO statement , Airbus Values Airbus’ commitment on the protection of Personal Data , OpenLine , Compliance at Airbus

Additional resources

II. Governance The Ethics & Compliance organisation is part of the Legal Department under the ultimate responsibility of the Company’s General Counsel. The aim is to provide strong governance throughout the Company with the global presence of qualified Compliance officers who ensure the Ethics & Compliance programme is implemented consistently in the different functional and operational areas. The Company’s Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer, who reports to both the General Counsel and the Ethics Compliance & Sustainability Committee (“ ECSC ”) of the Board of Directors, leads a dedicated team of Compliance professionals who are responsible for supporting and advising across the Company on compliance related topics, supporting the day-to-day business, performing risk assessments, drafting policies, conducting

third party due diligence, investigating compliance allegations, implementing tools and controls and delivering compliance training. The ECSC also plays a key role in the oversight and continued development of the Company’s Ethics & Compliance programme, organisation and framework for the effective governance of Ethics & Compliance. In addition to the dedicated Compliance professionals, the Company is coordinating a network of part-time Ethics & Compliance Representatives (“ ECRs ”), spanning all Divisions, functions and regions. The number of ECRs slightly increased in 2023, with a total of 445 ECRs at the end of 2023 (compared to 373 at the end of 2022). Although the ECR network members are not compliance experts, they play an important role in promoting

123 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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