Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

1. Information on the Company’s Activities

1.2 Non-Financial Information


– – identifying, securing and developing key competencies; – – creating added-value through synergies, networking and best practices. Investments in training and learning are prioritised in relation to this competence strategy. In addition, emerging competence needs required in the long-term, such as cryogenics, hydrogen storage, quantum computing, quantum sensing and autonomy/ autonomous systems are analysed in order to identify specific measures that need to be taken. For example, the Company partners with academic institutions to ensure the supply of emerging competencies of the future. In that respect, the Company currently collaborates with more than 200 universities, including 15 strategic partners. In addition, the Company is participating in external forums on competence evolution, such as the World Economic Forum, European Commission and other regional forums (see “Training and Mobility” below). The Competence Assessment is a means to identify potential gaps in the expected skills and knowledge of employees linked to their current position, and can be used to identify the employee’s development needs. The Competence Assessment can be performed whenever necessary though it must be completed at least once every two years, and is highly recommended to occur within the first month as a result of career mobility or a significant change to an existing job. There are several “moments that matter” throughout the calendar year via the annual “People Tempo” which outlines the various key HR processes linked with the employee’s experience of Performance and Development. In this respect, conversations between managers and employees form a continuous and ongoing dialogue to enable regular and frequent engagement on the topics of performance and development throughout the year whilst ensuring an agile approach towards adapting in relation to business priorities as these evolve throughout the year. In order to ensure that quality time is dedicated to focus on the employees’ development, the Company has, as part of its annual talent management cycle, implemented a systematic “Development Talk” for all employees (with their line managers). This is an exchange between the manager and the employee that can take place as often as needed (though at least once a year) with the intention of discussing the individual development plan of the employee and to align professional career aspirations with the Company’s organisational requirements. Managers are encouraged to hold these discussions during quarter one in order to align the development activities for the year with the employee’s individual performance goals and collective (team based) performance objectives. Furthermore, a mid-year review is held to align on progress and identify opportunities for further development throughout the year. The Company provides employees with a portfolio of self awareness solutions and feedback tools (such as 360 feedback from team members, stakeholders or peers) that can be used to support the employee in their professional development. At any time throughout the year, employees can use the human capital management software deployed at the Company to “request feedback” from their singular stakeholders in relation to their performance and development. Furthermore, the Company provides a platform whereby employees can launch a “360 feedback” survey to understand feedback from stakeholders (at the same level, below or above them in the hierarchy) in the framework of the Company’s values and leadership model (which is used to assess the performance and development of employees).

The actions that will be taken to support their development are formalised by the employee in their Development Plan’ which is then validated by the manager. These actions usually consist of a mixture of learning experiences – projects, missions or career mobility –, social learning – peer-to-peer development, coaching and mentoring –, and formal training – courses, certifications and diplomas. Then, at the turn of the year, managers conduct a formal assessment of the employee’s performance contribution and complement this with an appraisal discussion with each member of their team to discuss feedback on performance, opportunities for development and career growth. Training and mobility Again in 2023, to support the skills foundations and Top Company Objectives, the Company has defined and assigned compulsory learning plans directly to its employees, covering ethics & compliance, export control, health and safety, product safety, cyber security, internal controls, inclusion and diversity, quality and sustainability awareness. This approach allows the Company to ensure employees are well informed, trained and aware about those key topics related to major Company priorities. In 2023, 115,992 employees completed this compulsory learning plan. From October 2022 to September 2023, the Company provided about 2.2 million training hours to employees. In addition to the physical classroom and digital training, more than 75,000 employees benefited from other leadership development and transformation solutions proposed by the Airbus Leadership University. The Leadership University continues to strengthen the Company’s approach to leadership, offering opportunities for all managers to drive their development, while accelerating the culture evolution and human transformation of the Company. It offers a range of leadership programmes which focus on developing self-awareness, leadership mindset, purposeful leadership and people leadership capabilities. One such programme that is currently offered is “Management Basics & Leadership Foundations (MBLF)” which is a refresher training available to all managers, allowing them to revisit and explore the most essential elements of managing and leading people in challenging times. As one of the main objectives is to drive collaboration and engagement in the context of a properly managed performance cycle, the aim is to increase team efficiency and effectiveness. Between 1 October 2022 and 30 September 2023, over 1,200 managers completed a leadership programme training. The solutions provided by the Leadership University equip the company’s managers to better apprehend their daily challenges and develop strategic thinking. In addition to learning solutions and opportunities for professional development, the Company has well established career and development paths – as an alternative to management career paths linked with the Airbus Leadership Model – that are focused on expertise in their domain. These opportunities enable employees to develop specific skills and competences – notably in the streams of project and programme manager, architect, integrator or expert career paths. The Company is also involved in many regional and European initiatives to address the up-skilling and reskilling challenge, such as Clean Aviation, DACSO ( Diagnostic Aéronautique Compétences Sud Ouest ) / DECSO ( Diagnostic Espace Compétences Sud Ouest ), and Hydrogen Europe. The Company is working together with aerospace and defence industrial

121 Airbus Annual Report

Universal Registration Document 2023

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