Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2023

Risk Factors7
1. Geopolitical, Global Economic and Financial Market Risks8
2. Business and Operations-related Risks12
3. Legal, Regulatory and Governance Risks20
4. Environment, Human Rights, Health & Safety Risks23
1. Information on the Company’s Activities29
1.1 Presentation of the Company30
1.1.1 Overview30
1.1.2 Airbus (Commercial Aircraft)37
1.1.3 Helicopters47
1.1.4 Defence and Space53
1.1.5 Investments61
1.1.6 Insurance61
1.1.7 Legal and Arbitration Proceedings62
1.2 Non-Financial Information64
1.2.1 The Company’s approach to sustainability64
1.2.2 Climate Change72
1.2.3 Pollution94
1.2.4 Materials and circularity96
1.2.5 Water98
1.2.6 Biodiversity100
1.2.7 Aviation and product safety101
1.2.8 Cyber security103
1.2.9 Health and safety105
1.2.10 Human rights110
1.2.11 Inclusion and Diversity115
1.2.12 Social Dialogue117
1.2.13 People119
1.2.14 Business Integrity123
1.2.15 Responsible Supply Chain126
1.2.16 Community Impact132
1.2.17 ESG Data Board135
1.2.18 TCFD Correspondence Table144
1.2.19 EU Taxonomy145
1.2.20 GRI Index152
1.2.21 SASB Correspondence Table156
1.3 Other corporate activities157
1.4 Recent Developments167
2. Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations169
2.1 Operating and Financial Review170
2.1.1 Overview171
2.1.2 Material Accounting Considerations, Policies and Estimates172
2.1.3 Performance Measures174
2.1.4 Results of Operations178
2.1.5 Changes in Total Equity (Including Non-Controlling Interests)182
2.1.6 Liquidity and Capital Resources183
2.2 Financial Statements188
2.3 Statutory Auditor Fees188
2.4 Information Regarding the Statutory Auditors189
3. General Description of the Company and its Share Capital191
3.1 General Description of the Company192
3.1.1 Commercial and corporate names, seat and registered Office Commercial Name: Airbus192
3.1.2 Legal Form192
3.1.3 Governing Laws and Disclosures192
3.1.4 Date of Incorporation and Duration of the Company193
3.1.5 Objects of the Company194
3.1.6 Commercial and Companies Registry194
3.1.7 Inspection of Corporate Documents194
3.1.8 Financial Year194
3.1.9 Allocation and Distribution of Income194
3.1.10 General Meetings195
3.1.11 Disclosure of Holdings196
3.1.12 Mandatory Disposal197
3.1.13 Mandatory Offers198
3.2 General Description of the Share Capital199
3.2.1 Issued Share Capital199
3.2.2 Authorised Share Capital199
3.2.3 Modification of Share Capital or Rights Attached to the Shares199
3.2.4 Securities Granting Access to the Company’s Share Capital200
3.2.5 Changes in the Issued Share Capital200
3.3 Shareholdings and Voting Rights201
3.3.1 Shareholding Structure at the End of 2023201
3.3.2 Relationships with Principal Shareholders202
3.3.3 Form of Shares205
3.3.4 Changes in the Shareholding of the Company205
3.3.5 Persons Exercising Control over the Company205
3.3.6 Simplified Group Structure Chart205
3.3.7 Purchase by the Company of its Own Shares207
3.4 Dividends209
3.4.1 Dividends and Cash Distributions Paid209
3.4.2 Dividend Policy of the Company209
3.4.3 Unclaimed Dividends209
3.4.4 Taxation209
4. Corporate Governance213
4.1 Management and Control214
4.1.1 Corporate Governance Arrangements214
4.1.2 Dutch Corporate Governance Code, “Comply or Explain”238
4.1.3 Enterprise Risk Management System239
4.1.4 Internal Audit241
4.2 Interests of Directors and Principal Executive Officers242
4.2.1 Remuneration Policy242
4.2.2 Long-Term Incentives Granted to the Chief Executive Officer258
4.2.3 Related Party Transactions258
4.3 Employee Success Sharing and Incentive Plans259
4.3.1 Employee Success Sharing and Incentive Agreements259
4.3.2 Employee Share Ownership Plans259
4.3.3 Long-Term Incentive Plans260
5. General Information263
5.1 Entity Responsible for the Universal Registration Document264
5.2 Statement of the Entity Responsible for the Universal Registration Document264
5.3 Information Policy264
5.4 Undertakings of the Company Regarding Information265
5.5 Significant Changes265
5.6 Statement on Approval265

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