Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2021

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Employee Share Ownership Plan The ESOP allows employees to participate in the success of the Company. This plan is an investment option open to eligible* employees to acquire a certain number of Airbus shares. The ESOP scheme has been running in different formats since the foundation of the Company in 2000. The ESOP scheme since 2011 is a “share matching plan” in which the Company matches the number of shares bought by the employee according to set criteria. In 2021, more than 54,750 eligible employees from 40 countries have seized the opportunity to subscribe and nowown 1.97million shares. (Eligibility rules: an eligible employee in the frame of ESOP 2021 is part of an entity which is at least 50% owned by Airbus, and has been an employee between 31 December 2020 and 17 March 2021.) V. Outlook Starting in 2022 and over the next three years, the Company is expected to resume recruitment with several thousand positions to be filled in the different functional and geographical areas of the Company to support the recovery and future activity growth, to prepare for the development of future programmes and to continue its generational renewal. A quarter of these recruitments will concern new skills on projects such as those linked to the development of hydrogen aircraft. Leveraging global attraction campaigns and strengthening collaboration with the business to deliver on staffing needs is key. The staffing challenge will be a joint responsibility between HR and business to deliver on expectations. In the meantime, the Company will continuously focus on people development to close the gap on critical skills needed and will invest into emerging skills development. The Company aims at becoming an agile learning organisation as reskilling is considered as a major part of the learning culture: in the short- term, to support critical ramp-up projects, and in the long-term to sustain the acceleration of skills shift driven by the Airbus context and external trends.

Mobility of employees within the Company’s commercial aircraft business and its two Divisions provides overall benefit and value to the Company. Mobility helps employees develop new skills and competences and serves the business by bringing new ideas and broader perspectives to teams while ensuring to have the right skills in the right place to secure the future. In 2021, as of end of December, more than 10,400 employees have changed jobs through internal mobility. Remuneration The Company’s overall remuneration policy is in line with local practices and provides employees with a competitive overall compensation package. It is also an enabler to attract new talents and retain talented employees contributing to the Company’s business success. For employees below manager level, col lective labour agreements are applied in the Company’s home countries (France, Germany, UK and Spain). This includes wage levels and increases, supplementary grants and gratifications ( e.g. end of year gratification). Starting at manager level, compensation of employees can contain a variable part. The percentage of such variable pay in total compensation increases at higher hierarchical levels. Support for health care, unemployment insurance, national and company pension systems as well as social security contributions are mainly subject to national regulations and regulations implemented earlier by the founding companies. Some benefits or specific worldwide schemes are implemented such as sharing the financial and operational success of the Company with the employees (success sharing scheme) or developing the Company ownership culture (Employee Share Ownership Plan – “ ESOP ”).


Airbus / Registration Document 2021

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