Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2021

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Human Rights






Vigilance Plan

412 Human Rights Assessment


Highest governance body(ies) involved Related Corporate Policies and Reference Documents

Board of Directors / ECSC Executive Committee

Code of Conduct; International Framework Agreement; Airbus Supplier Code of Conduct

International Bill of Human Rights, ILO’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Core Labour Standards, OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, United Nations Guiding Principles

Commitments to take into account external standards and frameworks

Target year

2021 v. 2020





% of investigations completed or in progress (1)

100% Permanent

100% 100%


100% 2026


14% +8pp

% of sites having undertaken a social assessment (2)

100% Permanent

100% 100%


% of findings closed within 18-months (3)

2021 v. 2020

Other key metrics



Number of participants to human rights trainings – Cumulative, reporting period: 1 Oct -30 Sep (4)







Number of alerts of human rights concerns (5)

KPI and metrics assumptions : (1) Following reports of concerns linked to forced and child labour and other labour rights. (2)  % of the Company’s sites with over 100 employees, cumulative since 2020, undergoing a social assessment including human and labour rights. (3) Following social assessments including human and labour rights, carried out on the Company’s sites. (4) Cumulative number of participants who have completed e-learning modules on human rights and modern slavery since 2018. (5)  Including forced labour and labour rights (received via OpenLine and other means) from internal sources or through the Company’s supply chain

Code of Conduct , Supplier Code of Conduct , Modern Slavery Statement , Human Rights on , OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises , ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Additional resources

II. Governance The EVP Communication and Corporate Affairs has top level accountability for human rights at Executive Committee level. During 2021, following formalisation of the Company’s governance arrangements for human rights in 2020, the Company held a number of meetings and presentations to support and advance respect for human rights. These included:


Number of meetings during 2021 Key responsibilities

Ensuring the development and delivery of the human rights roadmap, including actions against agreed targets and support for awareness raising and capacity building. Providing strategic guidance to support decision making and prioritisation, as well as providing guidance and support on progress. Agree and guide the strategic direction of the Company’s human rights ambition, agree and guide the prioritisation of initiatives and resource allocation for implementation and review the status and effectiveness of actions in progress (including roadmap/targets/KPIs). Make and support decisions on identified salient issues and emerging significant risks, make and support decisions on key trends / legislation and provide feedback and steering as required.

Human Rights Multi-Functional Team, chaired by the Global Lead for Human Rights Human Rights Steering Committee, chaired by the Head of Sustainability and Environment

Target 6 Achieved 6

Target 3 Achieved 3

Specific presentation on human rights at the Executive Committee

Target 2 Achieved 3

Specific presentation on human rights at the ECSC

Target 1 Achieved 2

The Company will review its governance on human rights as it moves from policy-setting into implementation.


Airbus / Registration Document 2021

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