Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2021

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.1 Presentation of the Company


– – Connected Intelligence elaborates specific solutions for defence, governmental, civil and commercial customers under five main business clusters: Intelligence, Secure Communicat ions, Cyber Secur i ty, Special Secur i ty programmes and Secure Land Communications. Strategy The strategic purpose of Airbus Defence and Space is to shape and deliver sovereign Air and Space power for a secure and connected world. To achieve this, Airbus Defence and Space is applying its strategy across three domains: – – Air Power : Airbus Defence and Space is leveraging momentum in Franco-German-Spanish cooperation, pursuing new European programme opportunities as it works to deliver its vision for Future Air Power. Key opportunities include Future Combat Air System (“ FCAS ”), Eurodrone and special mission aircraft, among others. Airbus Defence and Space is also working to shape and address future secure, Rendering industrial system more modular through flexible assembly lines is an additional means to enhance its competitive edge on the market. In a versatile market context, the Division’s assembly lines must be able to assemble several different types of helicopters. This multi-product capability will be a key factor in terms of flexibility. The deployment of the new industrial model is well engaged with more than 85% achieved at the end of 2021. In addition to site specialisation, Best Cost Countries (BCC) strategy is also an important stream of the Division’s industrial transformation to improve our competitiveness. Airbus Helicopters’ home plants are exclusively in high cost countries. To improve our product cost in the make perimeter, the Division develops an allocation of work with complex technology to the home plants and simple parts in BCC. This is being contemplated with a simplification of the supply chain. The main technologies for BCC are aluminium airframe and mechanical parts. For aluminium airframe, the factory in Mexico is fully operational since 2020 and COVID-19 negative workload impact is expected to be fully recovered in 2022. For mechanical parts, the Hungarian project has been signed in 2020 and first sub-items will be delivered in 2022. In parallel to the industrial aspects, Airbus Helicopters Operations is working to shape a competitive supply base with high industrial performance to reduce missing parts and avoid disruptions. Strong monitoring, anticipation and management of the Supply Chain risks have been implemented to ensure business continuity. To finish, Airbus Helicopters Operations is also working to shape what “Factory of the Future” could look like for each plant / center of excellence in terms of products, processes & skills of tomorrow, digitalisation, connectivity and sustainability performances.

1.1.4 Defence and Space Airbus Defence and Space is a reliable partner to commercial and governmental customers worldwide, whose products and services ensure mission success across Air, Land, Sea, Space and Cyber: – – Military Aircraft designs, develops, delivers and supports military aircraft and systems. It is the leading fixed-wing military aircraft supplier in Europe, and one of the market leaders for combat, mission, transport and tanker aircraft worldwide. Key products include the Eurofighter Typhoon, the A400M, the A330 Multi Role Tanker Transport (“ MRTT ”) and the C295; – – Unmanned Aerial Systems develops, delivers and operates UAS solutions for defence and institutional missions; – – Space Systems covers a broad range of civil and military space offerings. Its satellite solutions for telecommunications, earth observation, navigation and science include spacecraft, ground segments and payloads for institutional customers as well as the export market. It also manufactures orbital and space exploration systems. Space transpor tation capabilities (comprising launchers and services) are offered via ArianeGroup, a 50/50 Airbus-Safran joint venture; Airbus Helicopters’ customer service activities consist primarily of maintenance, repairs, spare parts supply, training and technical support. In order to provide efficient worldwide service, Airbus Helicopters has established an international network of subsidiaries, authorised distributors and service centres. Operations Strategy Implementing a new industrial model is one of the fundamental components of the Division transformation, enabling it to be more competitive and to target industrial excellence, by controlling costs and increasing the First Time Right rate (on all products from legacy to new programmes) while meeting the highest requirements in terms of quality and safety. The three pillars of the new industrial model are site specialisation, a new industrial architecture and the deployment of flexible assembly lines. Specialised sites contribute to anchoring quality and safety fundamentalswhile boosting Airbus Helicopters’ competitiveness. Likemany manufacturers, one of the objectives is to produce each helicopter sub-assembly at a dedicated site. This means that the production sites are focused either on manufacturing operations with high added value or with a specific technological content. A good example of this transformation is the Paris-Le Bourget site, where all of Airbus Helicopters’ blade design, industrialisation and production activities will be concentrated. The specialisation of these sites makes it possible to avoid the duplication of skills and industrial means. Thanks to the redistribution of operations and economies of scale, each site contributes to the optimised production of the entire range and becomes more resilient to market fluctuations. The helicopter is divided into major sub-assemblies that can be produced, assembled and tested in parallel, thus shortening the industrial cycle. The H160 is designed to be assembled in just 40 days thanks to this new architecture. Reducing end to end cycles is a key driver of competitiveness as well as an answer to customer requirements.


Airbus / Registration Document 2021

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