Airbus // Universal Registration Document 2021

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.3 Other Corporate Activities


In order to maintain a proper balance between short- and long- term technologies, part of the R&T portfolio has been ring fenced to secure the activities focussing on strategic technologies, even if not time-critically demanded by the programmes at this stage, under the assumption that mastering those technologies will be key to maintain Airbus’ competitive positioning in the mid to -long-term ( e.g. Quantum, advanced AI applications). In terms of the main technology achievements, we achieved significant progress across all flagships. Several deliveries for direct insertion into products took place in the area of advanced algorithms for data exploitation and automatic processing of information from multiple sources (mission management flagship). We also achieved the further delivery of core technology bricks especially for the OneSat programme in several areas as thermal, propulsion, avionics, (Spacepower Flagship). In the Air Systems and Platforms flagship it is relevant to highlight the milestones achieved in the Integrated Safety Critical Control Chain Computer technology for fighter aircraft, as well as the preparation for the CleanSky 2 Flight Test Bed demonstration flight that will take place in the first part of 2022, being the only flight demonstration of the CleanSky 2 European Framework Programme. Regarding the Combat Cloud and Connectivity flagship 2021’s main achievements were in the area of technology bricks and elements that contributed to successful campaigns in Skynet 6, as well as significant progress made on the Optical roadmap for Space, with several elements further maturing and ready for adoption and insertion into the TELEO demonstrator. On the Cost Efficiency and Industrial performance flagship, several elements of the additive manufacturing global roadmap achieved maturity for industrialisation to be used into products both in the space and aircraft environments, and a full set of technology solutions was delivered to optimise and reduce time/ cost in the manufacturing and industrial environment, ranging from integration of digital solutions and tools to share data, to dedicated solutions for improved ground electrical testing and troubleshooting. Finally, strong efforts were placed on reinforcing the different national eco-systems footprint in the core nations. This is intended to maximise public-private collaboration, especially to recover from COVID crisis. This has led to an improvement in the ecosystems, which will be further leveraged when preparing different campaigns and proposals in the European framework, with strong emphasis on the Clean Aviation and European Defence Funds Programs. Central Research and Technology (CRT) CRT pioneers the future of aerospace by exploring and delivering ambitious new technologies of maximum potential impact on Airbus future products and services. CRT operates at the junction of the Airbus core and global research excellence with two main objectives: – – be a technical trailblazer: explore and deliver relevant new technologies, as well as de-risk and create new opportunities; – – prepare the skills of Airbus Tomorrow: Build internal capabilities in strategic emerging technologies and provide the relevant expertise to internal customers for technical support and decision-making.

Airbus Commercial progressed further in 2021 on the road to developing robotic and automation solutions in aircraft industrial systems. Technological concepts to reduce in-service operational interruptions and maintenance burdens have been defined. Technology development in 2021 also included delivering options for the continuous improvement of serial programmes such as the A320 and A350 aircraft. Airbus Helicopters Significant steps forward were made in 2021 in the Research and Innovation department, with activities focused on the main demonstrators and techno-bricks. The Flightlab, the Airbus Helicopters’ techno bricks demonstrator, performed several tests in 2021: – – Eye for Autonomous Guidance Landing Extension (EAGLE), based on a gyro-stabilised camera, was validated using an artificial intelligence image processing software. – – Rotor Strike Alerting System was fully validated for handover to R&D for light helicopters. – – Health and Usage Monitoring System (HUMS) was successfully demonstrated for light helicopters using neural network and wireless sensors. – – Engine Back Up System function was demonstrated on a single engine helicopter. The delivery of RACER’s flight components by the programme’s European partners has started. The main fuselage was delivered from Romania to Donauworth to finish the installation of the fuel system, and the canopy and was then transferred to Marignane. The tail boom and wings were delivered from Airbus Helicopters in Spain and Hamble Aerostructures Ltd according to the planning. The development of the main gear box and lateral rotor gear boxes is ongoing in collaboration with Avio Aero. The supercritical rear transmission was validated for flight. The first flight is now planned for the second half of 2022. The CityAirbus demonstrator, which is a fully electric urban air mobility (UAM) vehicle, successfully finished its flight campaign in Manching. The new eVTOL prototype, CityAirbus NextGen, was unveiled during the Airbus Summit in September 2021, showing excellent potential in terms of performance (range and speed) for the future UAM applications. The first flight is foreseen in 2023, paving the way for certification in 2025. Airbus Defence and Space During 2021, we still faced a challenging situation in the frame of R&T, so it was necessary to further review and streamline the portfolio of R&T priorities and projects for the Division. The concept of technology flagships has been essential to facilitate and optimise this exercise of prioritisation. Five different technology flagships define the main capabilities and competences required in the Division while maintaining a full alignment across the programme lines and products portfolio: “Connectivity and Combat Cloud”, “Mission Management and Data Exploitation”, “Cost Efficiency and Industrial Performance”, “Air Systems and Platforms”, and “Spacepower”. This optimisation of the technology landscape also took into account the reinforcement of links between R&T and R&D, and emphasised technologies reaching an “adoption” by the business and the programme lines, once the technologies reach a maturity level that allow their industrialisation and insertion into a product.


Airbus / Registration Document 2021

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