Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document
1. Information on the Company’s Activities /
1.2 Non-Financial Information
Changing Use of Land Overall, the ground footprint of the aviation industry, as a global means of transportation, is limited to local sites; mostly airports and related activities. As for the Company, its operations are located at a number of industrial sites. When building a new site or extending an existing one, the Company engages with local partners on conservation and remediation projects to preserve flora and fauna that were impacted by the Company’s industrial activities. This is done in line with applicable legal requirements. In France, for instance, during and after construction works, the Company strives to apply the Avoid, Reduce, Compensate mitigation hierarchy, as well as establish a budget for compensation measures that goes beyond the duration of the project (for maintenance for example). This requires identifying areas rich in biodiversity (in particular protected species), identifying the potential impacts on biodiversity, and carrying
out, if required, the necessary biodiversity inventories and the applicable deadlines in the timeline of each project. Restoring Biodiversity The Company’s space products, and more especially Earth-observation satellites, play an instrumental role in the understanding of biodiversity evolution. See “– 1.2.2 Climate Change” / Transition plan / Products and services supporting climate monitoring and adaptation. In addition, the Company through its corporate community work and its Airbus Foundation has supported a number of biodiversity projects that aim to help preserve wildlife and natural ecosystems at a community level, such as contributing to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) forest restoration project. See “– 1.2.16 Community Impact”.
Build Our Business on the Foundation of Safety and Quality
1.2.7 Aviation and Product Safety
I. Introduction The Company believes that everyone in the aerospace industry has a role to play to further enhance the safety of the air transport system. Flying today is safer than ever before, and collective efforts continue to ensure that it will be even safer by anticipating and responding to risks, threats and challenges. While the foundations of the air transport system are built on regulatory compliance, the safety culture at the Company goes beyond compliance with certification and continued airworthiness
requirements to also focus on safety enhancement activities in products and services. This also extends to the products and services of the Company’s Defence and Space Division that offer communication, collaboration and intelligence knowledge solutions to assist government authorities, emergency service providers and healthcare providers. For further information, see “– Information on the Company’s Activities – 1.1.4 Defence and Space”.
Aviation / Product Safety
SDGs Others
416 – Customer Health and Safety
Product Safety
Highest governance body(ies) involved
Product Safety Board (PSB), involving several Executive Committee members Board of Directors
Related corporate policies
Airbus Product Safety Company Policy (A67)
Corporate Safety Management System EASA regulation (Parts 21/145/147/M/ORA), EU 996/2010, EU 376/2014 (for Commercial Aircraft products), ECSS-Q ST-40-C (for Space Products) and Def-Stan 00-56 (for Defence Products) EN9100, EN9001, EN9110, AQAP 2110, AQAP 2210 and AQAP 2310
SMS Products Operations
Management system Relevant certifications
% SMS officers nominated
100% permanent
100% 100%
% SMS officers trained
100% permanent
100% 100%
Other key metrics
Fatal accident rate Industry wide (1)
0.05 (Gen4)
Metrics assumptions
(1) 10 year moving average fatal accident rate (per million flights) per aircraft generation
Code of Conduct , Product Safety on , Safety in Operations on , Safety investigation on , Health Onboard , Accident Statistics website
Additional resources
Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022
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