Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

“Prime the pump” In addition, as an aircraft operator through its flight tests and internal logistics, the Company strives to “prime the pump” by demonstrating market demand (see industrial operations). In the context of the developing regulatory frameworks fostering SAF market growth, the Company supports policies that would incentivise SAF production and usage at affordable costs. In particular, the Company is supporting and sharing industry best practices, looking at production levels assessment, life cycle analysis methodology and sustainability criteria and standards harmonisation. Foster SAF ecosystem readiness and partnerships The Company believes a coordinated action of all actors could foster a 10% SAF penetration at the global level by 2030. Today, SAF production is very limited. The price and global production capacity remain the main constraints for operators, preventing large scale incorporation of these types of fuels. A rapid ramp-up is necessary to enable the aviation sector’s ambitions and to decrease the emissions of the Company’s product in use. Matching SAF production and demand is essential to achieve the establishment of the SAF market. The Company supports decarbonisation scenarios which include an ambitious rollout of SAF using all possible pathways (HEFA, alcohol-to jet, Fischer Tropsch, power-to-liquid, etc.). Actions need to be global and associated with regulatory frameworks and incentivisation schemes. It is necessary to create market emergence conditions: - give visibility and confidence to producers, be capable to attract investors; - give access for end users (airlines) to enough volumes at a fair price, and maintain a level playing field for aviation. Positive momentum is seen in the European Union and in the US. A similar pace for creating a favourable ecosystem is needed worldwide. Creating favourable conditions for the SAF market to develop can be achieved if stakeholders gather together in collaborative platforms such as Commercial Aviation Alternative Fuels Initiative (CAAFI) in the US. As of 2022, 38 countries have implemented SAF policies to support the industry’s ambition, according to IATA.

› While the aviation sector contemplates an objective of 10% SAF globally by 2030, today’s pipeline of demand hardly exceeds 20 Mtons, suggesting necessity for further acceleration. › The USA Sustainable Skies Act targets 3 billion gallons annually by 2030. › The EU’s current “ReFuelEU” legislative proposal targets a 5% SAF mandate for 2030 growing to 63% by 2050 (including >28% synthetic e-fuels). › The Company estimates that products delivered in 2022 will see their life-time emissions reduced by around 14% thanks to the gradual introduction of SAF during their operational life (compared to a “no SAF” scenario). This considers a SAF penetration scenario aligned with the IEA SDS (ETP2020), and with the Company’s scope 3 disclosure and SBTI validated target. › The Company is engaged in many initiatives and partnerships promoting the development of SAF production and use, participating for instance in the World Economic Forum, including its “First Movers Coalition” and “Clean Skies for Tomorrow” coalition, and in the Coalition for the Energies of the Future. This also includes partnerships with producers such as the agreement signed in 2022 with Neste, aiming to accelerate the aviation sector’s transition to SAF. › As a member of ICCAIA (through ASD), the Company has actively supported the activities of ICAO defining the 2050 net zero carbon long-term aspirational goal for civil aviation and continuously contributes to the Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection (CAEP) on SAF. › The Company contributed to the 2019 study from which the French SAF roadmap was developed. › In the UK, the Company is a member of the Jet Zero Council under which a SAF delivery group has been put in place.

Regarding SAF production, the Company supports CORSIA’s standard emphasising the necessity to respect land rights and land use rights including indigenous and/or customary rights. The Company is committed to complying with local regulations and CORSIA’s standard for its own usage.


Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022

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