Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Energy: – reduce final energy consumption from stationary sources and electricity by 20% by 2030 compared to 2015 across the whole Company reporting scope.

In order to deliver its ambitions, the Company has developed a comprehensive action plan for both stationary (ground fixed assets) and mobile sources (vehicles such as cars, trucks or aircraft). This takes into account both efficiency and decarbonisation measures, complemented by an offset strategy for residual emissions.

This roadmap was further strengthened in 2022, and, together with proof points, can be synthesised as follows:

Mobile sources ~30% of energy consumption ( e.g. ground vehicles, “Beluga” air transport operations, flight test)

Stationary sources ~70% of energy consumption ( e.g. heating, cooling, manufacturing processes)

Switching to lower emission vehicles where possible and avoiding emissions through better planning of flights and logistics. - Since 2022, new Beluga jigs and tools have enabled each logistic flight to transport two A350 wings instead of one previously. - Deployment of Airseas Seawing (see hereafter “other initiatives”) for vessels: the experiment on the “Ville de Bordeaux” transatlantic logistic vessel started in December 2021 continued in 2022.

Substituting energy-intensive assets by energy-efficient ones and optimising energy consumptions. In order to meet the -20% target by 2030, a portfolio of projects was identified and phased, including low-energy lighting, improved insulation, voltage management, energy efficient heating and cooling or optimised ventilation system, as well as enabling projects such as extending metering network, and enhancing energy monitoring solutions. - In 2022, 17,500 fixed phones were removed across European sites. In France, it represented electricity savings of 920MWh. - The installation of a compressed air management system in Donauwörth has saved approximately 150MWh. - In Broughton, automatic standby in Paint Shops during weekends and shutdowns has already led to energy saving of 340MWh. - In the context of the energy crisis in Europe, the Company undertook a number of actions to contribute to the collective effort as a corporate citizen. This included reducing heating systems temperature by 1°C in its European sites, reducing heating device energy consumption by about 7%, and diverting from the use of gas to other sources of energy where possible in German sites. Ambition to secure at least 90% renewable or low-carbon electricity direct supply to all sites in Europe before 2030. This will be achieved with the implementation from 2023 of power purchase agreement (PPA) contracts and a combination of local projects (wind, solar), complemented by electricity generated from nuclear power. The amount of electricity purchased through the PPA contracts will increase progressively. - The renewable power purchase agreement (PPA) project launched in 2020 reached a major milestone in 2022 with the validation of renewable and low-carbon power purchase requirements as well as finalising the selection of suppliers. The Company is making progress on contracting for 2023 and 2024. All remaining purchased electricity in Europe will be covered by guarantees of origin (GoOs) from 2024. In 2030, this will represent a maximum of 10% of consumed electricity. - Since 2019, the share of electricity consumption from industrial operations in Europe which is covered by GoOs has increased annually by 10%, exceeding 40% in 2022. In addition, the Company is investigating similar opportunities in other regions ( e.g. USA, China). More efficient heating systems energy sources. - The installation of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) in Donauwörth led to a further saving of 1,800t of CO 2 . - An Enthalpy Recovery project in Illescas and energy consumption by 1,089MWh resulting in about 380t CO 2 e saving.

Energy efficiency measures

Transition to low carbon energy sources

Using lower carbon fuels ( e.g. SAF). The share of SAF used in the Company’s own operations will progressively increase to at least 30% by 2030. The Company set an interim target of 10% in 2023 for its commercial aircraft activities and its Helicopters Division. This will concern flight tests, delivery flights and logistic flights (Belugas). In addition, the Company also started using sustainable fuels for its maritime logistics. - Since 2019, SAF has been used in the operation of the Company’s Beluga transport aircraft for the purpose of internal logistics. - In 2022, flight test activities in both Divisions started using SAF. In total, an estimated 4,823 tons CO 2 were saved during the year when compared to conventional kerosene.


Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022

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