Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.2 Non-Financial Information


Disclosure of Environmental Indicators The Company actively monitors its environmental data throughout the organisation in order to measure the environmental impact of its operations, track its performance and communicate information on environmental matters to internal and external stakeholders. Since 2010, environmental data published by the Company has been verified by external auditors. This data is included in the ESG data board at the end of this section. Capturing Emerging Regulatory Requirements, Stakeholder’s Expectations and Trends In order to be aware of fast-evolving sustainability regulations, requirements and expectations that could impact its business, a “Sustainability Regulatory Intelligence” team monitors regulatory developments with a view to understanding, evaluating, anticipating and preparing for legal and regulatory requirements that apply to the Company’s activities and products. This Sustainability Regulatory Intelligence team covers sustainability related topics, including: environment, human rights and sustainable finance. III. Risk Management Environmental risks and opportunities are managed following the Company’s ERM system. A specific sustainability and environment ERM plan integrates additional requirements, defined within the ISO 14001:2015 certified EMS, and provides a set of rules applicable company-wide, to ensure a consistent management of environmental risks and opportunities. Relevant criteria for the evaluation of environmental risks and opportunities include: financial impact, impact on environmental performance, and impact on EMS certification, as well as legal, supply chain and reputational aspects. Risks and opportunities are reported quarterly to the Executive Committee of the Company and of its Divisions, including climate-related risks. Top risks are consolidated at Company level to be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and reviewed semi-annually.

Climate-Related Risks and Opportunities In accordance with TCFD recommendations, the Company is strengthening its ERM risk identification process for climate related risks and opportunities, incorporating climate scenario analysis. Climate-related risks (adaptation and mitigation) shall be deemed to be incorporated by reference and form part of the non-financial information. The Company used three temperature climate scenarios: 1.5°C, 2°C and 3°C; and three time horizons: short-term (“ ST ”, around 2025), medium-term (“ MT ”, around 2035) and long-term (“ LT ”, around 2050) in identifying climate related risks and opportunities. The assessment of risks and opportunities identified by the Company is subject to revision as the methodology and process further mature. Climate risks and methodology (including description of used scenarios) are described in “– Risk Factors – Environment, Human Rights, Health & Safety Risks”. They are complemented by the following opportunities identified: – energy diversification – energy source: Exploring and identifying new business opportunities in the field of renewable and low carbon energy (incl. through partnerships and collaboration with stakeholders) in order to position the Company in the energy value chain and contribute to the Paris Agreement temperature goals; – demand for energy-efficient products – market: Demand for more energy-efficient products (driven by increased energy costs, carbon pricing and voluntary climate commitments) or products allowing the use of other energies could lead to an accelerated airline fleet replacement and to new business lines; –growing market for Earth observation, atmospheric and weather data monitoring services – Products and services: Increased need for Earth observation, atmospheric and weather data services (including but not limited to the following sectors: aviation, agriculture, finance and insurance) could increase market demand for certain products and services of the Company, and lead to the creation of new business opportunities.

The outcome of the Company’s qualitative analysis is synthesised in the following table:

Climate scenario / time horizon(s) where risk or opportunity likelihood is considered medium or high, based on Company’s qualitative analysis

Company’s climate-related risks and opportunities mapping

RISKS (see “– Risk Factors” for full description)




Transition – Technology Transition – Market Physical – Chronic Physical – Acute OPPORTUNITIES Energy source Market Products and services

: ST –

: MT –

: LT

Mitigation actions the Company has engaged, including to address these risks and opportunities are presented in the following “IV. Transition plan” section.


Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022

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