Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities /

1.2 Non-Financial Information


with the families and wider communities as well as assessment of the broader ecosystem to ensure that a network of support exists for the longer term. Company employees also worked together to show their support for vulnerable communities. In the US, employees from all divisions participated in the Make a Difference fundraising initiative in aid of World Central Kitchen. In Spain, a group of volunteers prepared humanitarian kits for the Spanish Red Cross; and across our sites, employees rallied to fundraise and collect goods for organisations supporting the immediate needs of Ukrainian refugees. For the second year running, the Airbus Foundation also participated in the Action Against Hunger global wellbeing challenge, Connected Against Hunger, with nearly 1,800 Company employees participants. The Airbus Foundation continued to support its partners in disaster response by coordinating relief and goodwill flights carrying more than 138 tons of aid to Madagascar, Moldova, Poland, Pakistan, and Ethiopia. Aid transported included emergency shelter, medical and hygiene supplies, food and kitchen equipment. Additionally, 209 helicopter flight hours were chartered to Kenya, Madagascar, Philippines and the Democratic Republic of Congo to respond to flooding, malnutrition and displacement of populations. The Foundation also responded to 75 satellite imagery requests from partners representing around 21,700km 2 for disaster assessment and response plans, to monitor displacement and flooding, and plan medical activities in Yemen, Chad, Iraq and Sudan amongst others. In Kenya, the ongoing project to install innovative water units in under-served locations reached a new level of maturity with the upgrade of four existing units and installation of three new units. To date, 8,350 students have been given access to safe water and educated on good hygiene practices. The communities around these seven schools in Mukuru are also benefiting from the safe drinking water. In addition, bespoke satellite imagery training was provided to several humanitarian partners to increase their capacity in satellite imagery analysis and interpretation, as well as leadership training via the Airbus Leadership University. Via its partner, the French Foundation of the Academy of Medicine, the Foundation helped deliver Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS). A total of 300 medical personnel in Thailand and Mexico were upskilled in emergency and disaster medicine techniques. Supporting the Future Generation It is crucial that the Company inspires and engages young people, particularly by playing an active role in fostering inclusion, diversity and community values at an early age. Across its Community Impact channels, the Company collectively reached over 23,000 young people directly through mentorship, education initiatives and workshops during 2022. Corporate partnerships and STEM outreach programmes focused on using the expertise and knowledge of Company employees to inspire interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and engaged more than 8,700 young people from underserved communities to develop their awareness and confidence to make decisions about their future education and career choices. In the Asia Pacific region, five youth projects were developed in collaboration with partners including local and national ministries, non-profit organisations, and public sector structures. For

example, in Indonesia, the Company worked with the Ministry of Education to reach 120 students from rural schools to run workshops with Company volunteers on STEM and STEM careers. In the Philippines, the Company partnered with MoveEd, an organisation which provides early childhood care and development programmes for children aged 3-6 years, to increase access to formal and informal education opportunities, also working with the families to raise awareness about the long-term value of education. In China, the FUTURE by the Company project partnered with the Civil Aviation Museum in Beijing to boost quality education access. Following a series of workshops hosted by Company’s volunteers, the Company and the museum established an education base in the museum for future cooperation. The Airbus Foundation enriched its Airbus Foundation Discovery Space content with 19 new videos and booklets to practice experiments at home or in the classroom. The content explains some of the science behind aerospace, including sustainability and girls in science topics. The Foundation’s partnerships for its youth programmes span 17 locations in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Americas. Working with local partners, each programme was built on specific local needs. During 2022, over 250 Company volunteers participated, and the programmes directly reached around 9,000 young students, with a specific attention given to gender balance and underserved communities, also including a pilot project for children living in a refugee camp. The fourth edition of the Moon Camp Challenge built on the success of prior years with 2,597 projects submitted from 53 countries by over 5,600 students supported by nearly 600 teachers. Protecting the Future of Our Planet During 2022, the community impact pilot projects focused primarily on employee awareness and action to preserve and restore local biodiversity. For example, in the UK and India, the Company partnered with local non-profit organisations to restore three water bodies which had fallen into disrepair and neglect. In India, educational sessions were also carried out with surrounding communities to increase awareness about the ecological importance of the water bodies, avoiding using them to dispose of waste, and engaging the communities in the longer-term maintenance and protection. Through an innovation project driven by employee volunteers, the Company cooperated with two universities (Toulouse and Colombia) and a local non-profit organisation to bring renewable energy to off-grid households in Peru and Colombia. Situated in the highlands of Peru, one of the affected communities includes 40 households, nine of which lack access to electricity. The Company supported the placement of two students who dedicated their first month to build two domestic wind turbines and install them for two households plus complete the associated knowledge transfer to enable the families to maintain them. One of the families makes and sells bread to surrounding communities – thanks to the wind turbine, they are able to increase their production as well as reduce their expenditure on expensive batteries and generator fuel. In Colombia, a third wind turbine was installed for a rural school with around 30 children. The school now has a stable and clean source of electricity and has been connected to the internet which is enabling access to quality education materials as well as refrigeration to store food for the children.


Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022

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