Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document
1. Information on the Company’s Activities /
1.2 Non-Financial Information
4. Other Initiatives Promoting Disability-Friendly Companies
and in the Division’s contractual Environmental Annex, and an increased awareness on plastic consumption and waste among employees. The target is to progressively move to a more circular approach to the use of plastic. 5. CO 2 emissions –see “– 1.2.2 Climate Change” / IV. Transition plan / Supplier engagement, “– 1.2.17 ESG Data Board”. V. Outlook The SSCR is constantly evolving to actively endeavour to mitigate sustainability risks in the supply chain, adapt to progressing sustainability requirements and support the Company’s ambition to be more sustainable. The SSCR is building up on its installed initiatives to deploy them. The SSCR is as well continuously enlarging its impact. In 2023, notably this includes: – reinforcing the risk identification and risk assessment of the Company’s supply chain due diligence plan with enlarged targets; – continuing to ensure the adherence of the Company’s Supplier Code of Conduct principles throughout the Company’s supply base; –extending the scope of supplier sustainability assessments by requesting new suppliers to perform such an assessment and by extending to existing contracts in order to reach 80% of the spend volume in 2025; – engaging with suppliers based on the assessment outcomes and developing action plans when required; – becoming a member of the RBA; –for the calculation of the Scope 3 Purchased goods and services category, the Company has engaged in some work to launch a transition from a spend based methodology to a hybrid ( i.e. spend based mixed with mass based) methodology. The target is to be able to start reporting on hybrid approach in 2024 on 2023 data; and –developing the collaboration within the supply chain in the frame of the Airbus Supplier Sustainability Council through concrete activities notably on decarbonisation and transparency ambitions and roadmaps. To support people upskilling, on top of existing Company trainings on sustainability, the Company’s Procurement is developing an awareness on the contractual Environmental Clause with pilots in 2022 for a 2023 deployment, and a specific training on Human Rights with pilots in 2022 for a 2023 deployment.
Since 2011, the Company has been promoting employment of disabled people by its suppliers starting with a particular focus on France. Disability-friendly companies often take part in the call for tender process either through direct offer or partnership. The procurement volume with disability-friendly companies has been multiplied by five over the decade going along with the development of the disability-friendly companies’ ecosystem. In 2020 and 2021, the Company’s global volume of business was drastically reduced by the pandemic impacts. It has also resulted in a significant reduction of the volume with disability friendly companies. In 2022, the volume with disability-friendly companies is back to pre-pandemic levels: more than € 50 million of annual turnover which represents a 20% increase compared to 2021. Around 60 disability-friendly companies are working with the Company to date. The Company’s ambition is now to reach €100 million annual turnover with disability-friendly companies in 2025. The Company will continue to develop business with the disability friendly companies through direct contracting or partnerships, primarily in France and also in Spain and Germany. In addition, the Company is actively developing inclusion awareness. For instance, in October 2022, the Company organised a (Dis) Ability forum in Toulouse with 45 disability friendly companies and 250 participants. The Company also decided in 2021 to be the sponsor of the Digital Consortium, created by the UNEA (Union Nationale des Entreprises Adaptées) and composed of 80 French disability-friendly companies. The first contracts with this consortium were about to be signed at the time of publication of this report. Plastic-Free Supply Chain Based on the UN SDGs, specifically SDG 12 (responsible consumption and production), a plastic-free supply chain project was launched in 2019 within the Company’s Defence and Space Division with the aim of reducing, reusing and recycling single use plastic waste and packaging in the Division’s scope of involvement by 2025. The Division achieved a single-use plastic reduction of 24.5% in the logistics area at all sites in 2022 versus a 2020 baseline. This achievement has been possible through different actions: implementation of plastic-free packaging alternatives, improved plastic-reduced processes, introduction of the packaging clause in the Airbus Supplier Code of Conduct
Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022
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