Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

V. Outlook The Company created the People Strategy in 2020 to ensure “Our People,” the Company’s most valuable asset, are prepared to carry out the business strategy. The three pillars of the People Strategy – Engaging Leadership , Agile Upskilling of our Workforce and an Inclusive Workplace – have guided the Company people-related activities over the course of 2022 and will remain paramount as the Company continues to attract, recruit and retain the key competencies and skills needed to support business ramp up and key programme launches. Over the next two years the Company expects to pursue significant external hiring. Several thousand positions shall be filled in different functional and geographical areas of the Company to support the ramp up in commercial aviation and to prepare for the development of future programmes. A fifth of these recruitments will target the skills needed for the development of new programmes and new technologies. In the meantime, the Company will continuously focus on people development to close the gap on critical skills needed and will invest into emerging skills development. The Company continues its journey towards becoming an agile learning organisation. Reskilling is a major part of the learning culture aimed at supporting critical ramp-up projects in the short term, and in the long term sustaining the acceleration of skills shift. The employee experience is brought back to the centre of the Company priorities. For the coming years, the Better Workplace programme is empowering the Company's employees to address and act upon the changes they aspire in every dimension of their workplace. In uncertain times and with tremendous challenges ahead, the Company aims at remaining one of the best places to work. Through its Better Workplace programme, the Company is working toward giving every employee the workplace they need, the tools they deserve and a culture they can celebrate. In the challenging employment market, the Company will continue to invest in global attraction campaigns and to strengthen collaboration with the business to deliver on staffing needs.

Support for health care, unemployment insurance, national and Company pension systems as well as social security contributions are implemented, at least in compliance with national regulations. Some benefits or specific worldwide schemes are implemented such as sharing the financial and operational success of the Company with the employees (international success sharing scheme deployed for around 115,000 employees in 2022) or developing the Company share ownership culture (Employee Share Ownership Plan – “ ESOP ”). Employee Share Ownership Plan The ESOP allows employees to participate in the success of the Company and to become shareholders of the Company every year. This plan is an investment opportunity to acquire a certain number of Company’ shares, which is open to the employees in more than 40 countries. Introduced in 2011, the ESOP scheme is a “share matching plan” in which the Company matches the number of shares bought by the employee according to set criteria. An eligible employee in the frame of ESOP 2022 is part of an entity which is at least 50% owned by the Company, and has been an employee between 31 December 2021 and 17 March 2022. In 2022, more than 61,000 eligible employees seized the opportunity to subscribe. 2.12 million shares were distributed to employees through the plan ESOP 2022. Other Benefits Employees in the vast majority of countries all over Airbus can benefit from several measures allowing a better work-life balance, such as remote or hybrid (from home or else) working when this is compatible with the job position. The Company has also set up “family friendly” measures such as childcare facilities accessible to employees in some sites or alternative subventioned kindergartens, in countries like France, Spain, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Chile and India. Parental leaves are granted at least in line with regulatory requirements. More than 60% of Company employees located in more than 20 countries can benefit from maternity or paternity leaves that exceed local applicable regulations, in terms of period of leave and/or in terms of level of salary compensation during such leave.


Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022

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