Airbus - 2022 Universal Registration Document

1. Information on the Company’s Activities / 1.2 Non-Financial Information

IV. Implementation/Activities During 2022, the Company continued activities aimed at strengthening collaborative and partnership approaches with unions in various countries. The main focus has been on preserving global social dialogue, addressing Company transformation projects as well as informing and consulting about employment, working conditions and sustainability. Preserving a Global Social Dialogue In Europe, seven European committees have taken place at Company level in 2022, including discussions about the Company’s commercial aircraft activities. The composition of the SE-WC was renewed in accordance with the Company agreement and its rules of procedure. At the Company’s Airbus Helicopters Division, four European committees have taken place. The main topics have been the follow up of the Division’s performance and strategy, the deployment of the site specialisation strategy and more globally the Company transformation, focusing in particular on competitiveness, digitalisation and environmental roadmap. At the Company’s Airbus Defence and Space Division, eight European committees have taken place. The main topics have been the strategy and performance of the Division with a focus on sustainable transformation, including the AD 4.1 and the AD Digital reorganisations. With a global reach, the third AGF took place early July 2022 in a digital format and has proven again to be an effective exchange platform between the Company’s top leaders in the regions and its employee representatives from the Company’s home countries as well as Poland, Romania, Morocco, Tunisia, Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, North America and China. The AGF agenda triggered insightful discussions around business and human resources including actions about sustainability, human rights, safety and wellbeing. It also served as an opportunity to enhance the perspective of the Company’s social partners on local and regional practices with regards to social matters, Numerous discussions with the Company’s social partners have taken place to support the creation of global business services in Portugal, Airbus Protect in France, Germany and the UK as well as the creation of Airbus Aerostructures GmbH in Germany, on top of the social impacts in relation to the ramp-up. In Spain, the discussions started in 2021 about the consolidation of the industrial activities and the maintenance of workload in the Province of Cádiz in the CBC work centre were continued and concluded successfully. Also, during 2022, the space activities in Getafe were successfully integrated. Supporting Employees In 2022, the Company carried out constructive dialogue with its social partners to negotiate salary increase policies where relevant with its employee representatives committees or in the frame of collective bargaining negotiations. After having listened to the members of the SE-WC on 15 September 2022, and then having discussed further with the employee representatives who signed wage agreements, the Company decided to pay an exceptional premium to its employees (see “– 1.2.13 People”), independently of current or future salary negotiations. especially out of the European home countries. Supporting Company Transformation

with regards to human rights, environment and health & safety. In cases of restructuring, the Company strives to limit as much as possible the negative impacts on its workforce and considers employment as a priority. As an illustration, the last restructuring plan implying significant workforce reduction was completed in 2021: the COVID-19 adaptation plan resulted in the signature of various collective agreements by the main unions and provided for a range of social measures including: trainings, internal mobilities, working time adaptations, voluntary departure schemes, early retirement and the opportunity to pursue personal or professional opportunities outside of the Company, such as business creation as well as dedicated partial unemployment schemes. Regular social dialogue is ensured at global, European and local levels as per ILO requirements, local legislation and Company agreements about social dialogue, for instance thanks to the Company’s European SE-WC agreement which was updated in 2018. Sites outside Europe are also covered by the Company’s IFA framing the social dialogue and social culture in line with local labour legislation, culture and practices of respective countries. In line with the Company´s global social dialogue strategy and since 2019, the discussions with the social partners have not only been assured at local or European level but have also happened at global level with the creation of the Airbus Global Forum (“ AGF ”). In line with the Company’s commitments in terms of Sustainability, the AGF is a clear illustration of the Company’s engagement for a responsible social dialogue. The seat allocation for employee representatives is based upon Company’s headcount distribution across the globe and conditional to existing legal employee representation as per applicable regulations and practices in the relevant countries. In addition, the Company is an active member of the Global Deal for Decent Work and Inclusive Growth initiative (“Global Deal”) that was developed in cooperation with the ILO and OECD. The Global Deal is a multi-stakeholder partnership between governments, business and employers’ organisations, trade unions, civil society and other organisations that seeks to make economic growth work for all against a backdrop of rapid changes in the world of work. Furthermore, the Company has regular discussions with some national and international trade union federations. III. Risk management The European labour relations’ management of the four home countries of the Company (France, Germany, UK, Spain) is also part of the Company risk management processes and these risks are reviewed internally on a quarterly basis. For example, during 2022, employee relations continued to focus on ensuring legal compliance regarding national labour laws and investing in training the Company’s HR professionals about labour law. The Company’s approach to risk management is also reinforced by the OpenLine reporting system, which allows employees to report concerns anonymously (where legally permitted).


Airbus / Universal Registration Document 2022

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