Aéroports de Paris - 2019 Universal registration document
Transparent compensation In 2019, to improve compensation transparency at Aéroports de Paris SA (components, allocation and eligibility criteria, figures compared to the rest of the market, etc.), two cycles of “360° compensation” HR Forums were organised for employees and managers. Over 700 staff took part in these discussions. Performance-related compensation The performance assessment policy of Aéroports de Paris SA is centred around objective-based management relating to the group’s strategy for the business as a whole and for each individual division. In this context, the system for recognising and assessing individual performance helps highlight the results achieved in terms of each person’s objectives. All executives benefit from individual variable compensation, the amount of which is defined according to their position and in line with a framework implemented in 2018. Furthermore, employees can benefit from the group’s overall performance through profit-sharing, incentives and employee shareholding. The Aéroports de Paris SA 2018-2020 incentive agreement introduced on 29 June 2018 provides for an incentive bonus according to the level of achievement of two criteria: economic performance and customer satisfaction. A bonus may be paid, depending on the number of criteria met each year from the following three: frequency rate of workplace accidents with lost time, revenue per departure passenger airside and control over operating costs per passenger. ADP Ingénierie and Hub One also have incentive agreements. In 2019, the incentives recorded for all Groupe ADP companies totalled €16 million compared with €14 million in 2018. Aéroports de Paris and its wholly-owned direct subsidiaries have implemented a profit-sharing mechanism for their employees. €24 million was paid out in profit sharing for the entire group in 2019, compared with All employees of Aéroports de Paris SA and its French subsidiaries benefit: ◆ from a social protection package which includes complementary health insurance and a pensions contract, from the same insurers; ◆ a Group savings scheme (PEG) and a collective company retirement savings scheme (PERCOL) (formerly PERCOG - changed in accordance with the PACTE Law of 22 May 2019 and pursuant to the collective agreement of 20 December 2019). These two schemes offer staff the opportunity to put together a portfolio of securities that may be contributed to by the Company. Company contributions comprise, on the one hand, payments made to the Fonds Commun de Placement d’Entreprise (FCPE, a mutual investment fund) of the employee shareholding structure, within the framework of the PEG, and on the other, payments made to the group PERCO. As such, 99% of employees are shareholders through the FCPE ADP ACTIONNARIAT SALARIÉ. In 2019, total contributions (PEG and PERCO) paid by the Company in this respect amounted to €9 million, the same as in 2018. The agreements of 20 December 2019 set out the long-term conditions for contributions to these schemes. Hub One and ADP Ingénierie also have agreements that provide for the payment of allowances. At group-level, the preparation of HR guidelines covering all employees is been undertaken. €28 million in 2018. Collective benefits
3. TELEWORKING ORGANISATION Subsequent to the teleworking agreement signed in 2016, a new agreement was signed on 18 November 2019 for a period of three years and renewable for one year. Feedback has been very positive from both management and staff. At 31 December 2019, 65% of company employees were eligible for regular teleworking and 27% of these had applied. Since 2016, 92% of requests have been approved. In 2019, 1,451 employees took at least one teleworking day, with an average of 2.8 days per month. Hub One has a teleworking agreement (2017). An agreement is currently in negotiation for ADP Ingénierie. Strong CSR commitment A global Diversity policy has been updated and two agreements were signed in 2019, covering the period 2020-2022. The global agreement will be renegotiated in 2020, to replace the agreement dated 27 April 2017. It covers the following:
a) gender equality in the workplace; b) retention of seniors in employment; c) employment of young people; d) employment of disabled people.
In 2018, the non-financial ratings compiled every two years by Ethifinance improved once again: the group achieved 86/100, up by 4 points compared to 2016, with 84/100 for Human Capital (+5 points). Aéroports de Paris SA improved by four points globally (87/100) and six points for Human Capital (85/100).
The next ratings will be available in 2020. Gender equality in the workplace
In the 2017-2019 agreement, Aéroports de Paris SA confirmed its intention to promote professional equality through concrete and pro-active actions: ◆ wage equality, through the analysis of compensation differences, recovery of unjustified differences and automatic progress in the event of maternity, paternity or adoption leave, full compensation during paternity leave and employee family supplementary benefit; ◆ the aim is to achieve 40% of women managers and 50% in recruitment to the Graduate programme; ◆ the CESU system (Universal Service Employment Cheque) and access to childcare places; ◆ a partnership with Elles bougent to encourage women to work in engineering and technical roles, using a network of 50 female sponsors. The agreement also provides for the over-compensation of parental part-time jobs chosen until the child is six years old, the development of women in executive positions and the appointment of a professional gender equality contact. In 2019, the proportion of women working at Aéroports de Paris was 37.6% (37.6% in 2018 and 37.9% in 2017). A significant proportion of recruitment is still in the male-dominated technical and regulatory roles. The balance of women and men in the corporate hierarchy is unchanged. The proportion of women executives is 37.3% (36.8% in 2018 and 36.7% in 2017). This percentage is 36% within the Executive Committees.
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