Aéroports de Paris - 2019 Universal registration document


In order to meet these challenges, the Company is focused on: a) a multi-year skills outlook; b) dynamic talent management; c) supporting the group’s transformation; d) a more defined employer brand to develop its appeal; e) promoting diversity in the Company, the components of which are set out in the section entitled “Strong CSR Commitment” below. A multi-year skills outlook The aim of the collective agreement for Aéroports de Paris of 16 January 2019 on the GPEC (human resources and skills management planning system) is to retain know-how, secure knowledge transfer and bring in new skills, particularly for the core maintenance, engineering and operations professions. Dynamic talent management 1. A TARGETED RECRUITMENT PLAN 272 new permanent staff were recruited by Aéroports de Paris SA in 2019, compared with 154 in 2018. The new GPEC agreement strengthens the commitment to recruiting young people. In 2019, 46% of external recruitments were young people under the age of 30 (target: 35%), with a specific emphasis on work/ study trainees. 19 young Masters-level graduates were recruited in 2019 as part of a Graduate Program. Finally, at the end of 2019, Groupe ADP launched a trial applicant referral scheme for the group’s employees, to help to drive external recruitment in certain areas. 2. COORDINATING CAREER PATHS AND MOBILITY The group’s focus on this area incorporates the group and international dimensions into an approach that fulfils both strategic and structural requirements, and employee aspirations and employability. In 2019, the mobility policy was boosted to continue to offer more clearly defined career paths, based on the systematic use of career path reviews. The entity dedicated to Top Management and International (set up in 2019) is also leading talent and mobility reviews at group level. Hub One launched a global jobs and skills review. For TAV Airports, following the closure of Istanbul Atatürk and the subsequent relocation of the registered office, as well as the adaptation of resources to these major business changes, a crucial and comprehensive plan has been put in place to ensure business continuity, employee motivation and dialogue with stakeholders. A six-month outplacement scheme enabled 65% of employees to transfer to the new airport. The new registered office, which opened its doors in May, was created to centralise all of the group’s companies and boost efficiency. 3. SUPPORTING EXTERNAL MOBILITY Mobility leave is offered under the GPEC agreement to enable employees to set up their own businesses or retrain. This option is in addition to the secure voluntary mobility scheme deployed in 2018 for employees looking for a new permanent role. 26 employees made use of these schemes in 2019. 4. TRAINING Professional training supports the implementation of the skills management planning system.

◆ mapping of Top Management at group level, based on career review, succession plans, to be implemented from 2020, ◆ centralised reporting for subsidiary headcount and wage bill, ◆ implementation of an international mobility policy, focusing for the first time on Top Management, ◆ group-level coordination and reporting on the safety and occupational risks policy, ◆ creation of a group HR social package for all employees. The One Group project, which was launched in 2019, will accordingly be a defining factor in 2020. In 2019, Groupe ADP’s average headcount included that of TAV Airports, Hub One, ADP Ingénierie, ADP International, including AIG (Jordan), which Groupe ADP assumed control of in 2018. The headcounts of SDA, Relay@ADP, Société de Distribution Aéroportuaire and Media ADP are also included. The HR policy for these companies will be stipulated for the 2020 data. With this in mind, Groupe ADP updates its risk mapping every year, which This risk assessment was compared with the materiality study carried out in 2018. This particularly highlighted employer attractiveness and career management, an improved labour-management dialogue and climate and workplace health and safety. Gender equality in the workplace and diversity are also emphasised, together with the quality of life of Group employees and partner companies. The group confirms its intention to improve and continue the actions undertaken in the latter two fields in order to achieve the objectives it has set itself. The HR policy has set goals in order to manage these risks: 1) strategic resource planning; 2) strong CSR commitment; 3) a revamped social dialogue system; 4) occupational health and safety, quality of working life. The “CSR Approach” chapter contains a summary table of extra-financial risks and related policies. Strategic resource planning Achievement of the group’s goals is made possible by the commitment and involvement of employees. It may be affected by inadequate jobs and skills for its activities and development, notably, the Group’s transformation, international development, investment plan and job changes. The current landscape is defined by the following factors: ◆ the external factor of a talent and skills war in engineering, maintenance and digital professions; ◆ the internal factor of 40% of the workforce being due to retire over the next 10 years. We must capitalise on and transfer knowledge in order to maintain a competitive edge and retain command of all business areas. There is however also an opportunity to recruit talented individuals with the necessary skills. includes HR-related risks. It covers: ◆ appropriate human resources; ◆ the labour-management relations climate; ◆ the safety of people and goods.



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