Aéroport de Paris - 2018 Social Report

The Aéroports de Paris 2018 Social Report has prepared in accordance with the French Labour Code (Articles L. 2323-20 et seq.)

This Social Report can be circulated and any additional information on its content requested from the Direction des Ressources humaines (Human Resources Department) 1, rue de France - BP 81007 - 95931 ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX

French public limited company with capital of €296,881,806 - SIREN registration no. 552 016 628 TCR Bobigny Intra-Community VAT no. FR 33 552 016 628 Registered office: 1, rue de France - BP 81007 - 95931 ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX - www.aeroportsdeparis.fr

Photo credits ADP SA 2018 Social Report Émile Luider/La Company for Aéroports de Paris SA - Philippe Stroppa/Studio Pons for Aéroports de Paris SA - Gwen Le Bras for Aéroports de Paris SA - Sylvain Cambon for Aéroports de Paris SA - Alain Leduc for Aéroports de Paris SA - Cyril Fussien for Aéroports de Paris SA - Jean-Pierre Gaborit for Aéroports de Paris SA - Bruno Pellarin for Aéroports de Paris SA - Franck Bindefeld for Aéroports de Paris SA - Zoo Studio for Aéroports de Paris SA.

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