Aéroport de Paris - 2018 Registration document


Aéroports de Paris SA Guarantees correspond mainly to securities accorded to loans to staff members, as well as guarantees accorded by Aéroports de Paris SA on behalf of ADP Ingénierie for the benefit of different customers of its subsidiaries. Irrevocable commitments to acquire assets which explains the main variation concern: ◆ the renovation works on the runway 3 in Paris-Orly; ◆ the construction of the junction of international satellites of terminal 1 at Paris-Charles de Gaulle; ◆ the purchase of standard 3 hold luggage inspection equipments related to European regulation; ◆ the construction of the junction between the South andWest terminals of Paris-Orly. The Group’s employee benefit commitments are presented in Note 5. The commitments received are mainly guarantees from the beneficiaries of AOTs (temporary authorisations to occupy public property or Autorisation d’occupation temporaire du domaine public ), civil code leases, commercial concessions and suppliers. In addition, pursuant to Article 53 in the operating specifications of Aéroports de Paris SA, the minister in charge of Civil Aviation has a right of refusal regarding any contribution, disposal or grant of security involving certain plots of land – and the assets on such land – belonging to Aéroports de Paris SA. The lands concerned by this provision are listed in those same operating specifications. The law of 20 April, 2005 provides that in the event of a partial or total shutdown of air traffic at one of the airports owned by Aéroports de Paris SA, 70% of the capital gain due to the difference between the market value of the assets and the book value thereof must be paid to the French government. This provision relates in particular to the General Aviation Aerodromes. ADP Ingenierie and ADP International Guarantees on first demand have been given only by ADP Ingénierie and Aéroports de Paris Management as part of the execution of their international contracts.

TAV Airports Commitments given by TAV Airports and its subsidiaries amount to €493 million as at 31 December 2018 and are mainly letters of guarantee: ◆ given mainly to third parties (customs, lenders and customers), to the General Directorate of State Airports Authority (DHMI) as well as Saudi Arabian, Tunisian and Macedonian governments; ◆ issued fromBuild – Operate – Terminate agreements (BOT agreements), from concession agreements and lease contracts. Main guarantees given to DHMI: ◆ TAV Istanbul is bound by the terms of the rent agreement made with DHMI and is obliged to give 6% of the total rent amount, i.e. $153 million as a letter of guarantee; ◆ TAV Ege and TAV Milas Bodrum are both obliged to give a letter of guarantee at an amount equivalent to €37 and €43 million each to DHMI. Main guarantees given to GACA (General Authority of Civil Aviation) in Saudi Arabia: The Group is obliged as at 31 December 2018 to give a letter of guarantee at an amount equivalent of $13 million ( i.e. €11 million) to GACA according to the BTO agreement signed with GACA in Saudi Arabia, as well as a letter of guarantee equivalent of $194 million ( i.e. €162 million) to National Commercial Bank which is included in letters of guarantee given to third parties. Pledges Furthermore, pursuant to project bank loans entered into by TAV entities, the following pledges were granted to their lenders: ◆ share pledge: TAV Esenboğa, TAV Ege, TAV Milas Bodrum, TAV Macedonia and TAV Tunisia have pledges over shares for an aggregate amount equivalent to €238 million. In case of default, the banks have the right to take control of the shares. Share pledges will expire after bank loans are paid or on the dates of maturity; ◆ receivable pledge: TAV Esenboğa, TAV Ege, TAV Milas Bodrum, TAV Holding and TAV Macedonia have pledges over receivables for an aggregate amount of €36 million. In case of event or default, the banks have the right to take control of the receivables; ◆ pledge over bank accounts: TAV Esenboğa, TAV Ege, TAV Milas Bodrum, and TAV Holding have pledges over bank accounts for an aggregate amount of €56 million.


In accordance with IAS 37 Provisions, contingent Liabilities are defined as: ¯ a possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Group; or ¯ a present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because: ◆ it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, or ◆ the amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.



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