ANTIN // 2021 Universal Registration Document

SUSTAINABILITY 4 Material ESG topics 3 Antin provides investors with ESG data and information through acquisition, annual, and exit reporting. Its yearly Sustainability report includes information about its progress towards implementing the PRI as well as the ESG performance of portfolio companies. Antin also provides an ESG update at its annual Investor Day and periodically updates investors with its annually revised Responsible Investment Policy. Beyond these formalised channels, Antin's Sustainability Team 4.3.2 ESG materiality assessment To strengthen and inform its Sustainability strategy, Antin conducted an ESG materiality assessment using its internal materiality assessment framework, which is also employed for portfolio companies. The assessment helped identify the ESG topics most material to Antin’s own business, and was informed by peer benchmarking, industry standards such as the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) materiality matrix, assessment of investor requests, and industry ESG initiatives and collaborations of which Antin is a part. Using both internal and external input allowed Antin to capture what matters most to its business and stakeholders. Turning to an additional globally standardised framework, Antin believes that business plays a key role in achieving the 17 United

regularly responds to ESG-related questionnaires and other requests from Shareholders, investors, as well as lenders. 3 Engagement with regulators, local communities, and suppliers occurs ad hoc throughout the year, through participation in surveys, publications, charity events, regular meetings, among others. 3 Industry body engagement occurs throughout the year at both formal events and conferences, as well as during more informal calls and meetings. Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which set out a series of global ambitions to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice, and tackle climate change by 2030. As such, Antin has also identified to which SDGs and underlying targets its activities can contribute. It is important to note that this is an initial materiality assessment, in line with Antin’s voluntary decision to create and publish a Non-Financial Per formance Statement. During future exercises, Antin will update this assessment and organise formal consultations with all stakeholders, with the intent of reviewing and revising its ESG risks and opportunities on a regular basis to ensure effectiveness under evolving conditions.

The most material ESG topics for Antin are as follows:

Material ESG topic

ESG dimension

Key risks (1)

Key opportunities



3 Operational cost savings 3 Improvement of ability to anticipate and adapt to climate change-related issues or disruptions 3 Corporate reputation protection 3 Stakeholder trust protection 3 Biodiversity preservation 3 Liability risk mitigation 3 Corporate reputation protection 3 Stakeholder trust protection 3 Improvement of decision making process 3 Reduced employee turnover and absenteeism 3 Productivity uplift 3 Increased employer attractiveness 3 Liability risk mitigation 3 Corporate reputation protection 3 Stakeholder trust protection 3 Corporate reputation enhancement 3 Stakeholder relationship and loyalty improvement 3 Social license to operate protection

3 Deterioration in the quality of Antin’s brand and reputation resulting in a decreased ability, or inability, to raise capital for new funds or to attract and retain key talent 3 Deterioration in the quality of Antin’s brand and reputation resulting in a decreased ability, or inability, to raise capital for new funds or to attract and retain key talent 3 Dependence on Senior Management Team, key investment professionals, and network of Senior Advisers resulting in a material adverse effect on the performance of Antin’s funds and on Antin’s business, results of operations, financial condition, and prospects 3 Deterioration in the quality of Antin’s brand and reputation resulting in a decreased ability, or inability, to raise capital for new funds or to attract and retain key talent

Climate change

Target 13.1



Target 15.a

Human capital management

Target 8.5 Target 8.8


Corporate citizenship

Target 17.17


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