ANTIN // 2021 Universal Registration Document

INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY 7 Constitutive documents and bylaws

Indivisibility of the shares – Beneficial ownership (Article 12 of the bylaws) Shares are indivisible with respect to the Company. Co-owners of indivisible shares are represented at Shareholders’ Meetings by one of the owners or by a single agent. If they disagree, the agent shall be designated by the court at the request of one of the co-owners. If there is a beneficial owner, the share registration must show the existence of the beneficial ownership. Except where otherwise stipulated in an agreement notified to the Company by registered mail with return receipt, the voting right belongs to the beneficial owner in Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings and to the bare owner in Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings. Transfer of shares (Article 10 of the bylaws) Shares are freely negotiable, except where otherwise stipulated by laws or regulations. The transfer or transmission of shares shall be effected, with respect to the Company and third parties, by transfer from one account to another under the conditions and in accordance with the procedures laid down by law. Modification of Shareholders’ rights The rights of Shareholders may be modified in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The bylaws do not contain any particular provisions with respect to modification of the rights of Shareholders that are more stringent than the law. Composition of the Board of Directors (Article 14 of the bylaws) The Company is governed by a Board of Directors composed of at least three members and at a maximum of 18 members elected by the annual shareholders' meeting pursuant to and subject to the exceptions stated by law. During the term of the Company, Directors are appointed, renewed or dismissed by the Ordinary annual shareholders' meeting under the conditions provided for by applicable laws and regulations and by the Company’s bylaws. Directors are appointed for a term of up to three years and are eligible for re-election. They can be dismissed at any time by the annual shareholders' meeting. No person over the age of 75 may be appointed as a Director if the appointment would result in more than one-third of the Directors being over that age. Directors may be natural persons or legal entities. At the time they are elected, legal entities must appoint a permanent representative who is subject to the same conditions and obligations, and who incurs the same civil and criminal 7.6.3 Administrative and management bodies

responsibilities as if he or she were a Director in his or her own name, without prejudice to the joint liability with the legal entity he or she represents. The office of permanent representative is for the duration of the term of office of the legal entity he or she represents. If the legal entity revokes the appointment of its permanent representative, it must immediately notify the Company by registered mail of such dismissal and the name of its new permanent representative. Such notification is also required in the event of the death or resignation of the permanent representative. Deliberations of the Board of Directors (Article 17 of the bylaws) The Board of Directors meets as often as necessary in the Company’s interest and at least once every three months. The Chairman convenes thesemeetings. If the Board of Directors has not met in more than two months, at least one-third of its members may request that the Chairman convene the Board of Directors to discuss a particular agenda. Decisions are taken by a majority of members present or represented. Directors participating in a meeting of the Board of Directors by videoconference or telecommunication in compliance with the technical specifications set out under the applicable legislative and regulatory provisions shall be deemed to be present for the purposes of the quorum and the majority in accordance with applicable law. Any Director may authorise another Director to represent him at a meeting of the Board of Directors. Each Director may hold only one proxy per meeting. The deliberations of the Board of Directors are recorded in minutes signed by the Chairman of the meeting and by at least one Director who participated in the meeting. In the event the Chairman of the meeting is prevented from signing, at least two Directors may sign. Powers of the Board of Directors (Article 16 of the bylaws) The Board of Directors determines the direction of the Company’s business and ensures its implementation. Subject to the powers expressly granted at the annual shareholders' meeting and the limits of the Company’s corporate purpose, the Board of Directors may decide any question concerning the proper functioning of the Company and, through its decisions, settles matters with respect thereto. With respect to third parties, the Company is bound by the actions of the Board of Directors even when such actions do not fall within the corporate purpose, unless it can be proven that the third-party knew that the relevant act exceeded the purpose or could not have been unaware of it under the circumstances. The mere publication of the articles of association is not sufficient to constitute such proof. The Board of Directors may decide to create committees responsible for studying issues that it or the Chairman may submit for analysis. The composition and powers of each such committee are set by internal rules of the Board of Directors. The members of the Board of Directors are responsible for the activities of such committees.


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